4: Harder to Believe

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Katsuki got to his agency and immediately went to his office to see his hero suit was cleaned and hanging up for him. He placed the bag on the floor next to his desk and sat down. 

'What a morning, waking up in someone else's place to only find out it's the same person who wants me to get a new fucking suit. Damnit, I'm never gonna hear the end of it if the press hears this.' he thought. 

He sat in his chair and was slowly feeling his eyes close on their own. Just as his eyes closed, he started seeing something, it wasn't clear though. He started hearing a voice, it wasn't clear at first, but then it became loud and clear. 

"K-Ka... wha... you...-"

"Dynamite!!!" his eyes sprung open to see Best Jeanist standing there. 

"Oh good, you're awake. Heard you had a rough night last night, you'll be lucky if the press don't hear about it." Best Jeanist said. 

"Right, sorry for what events happened last night." Katsuki said. 

"I also heard you didn't want to get a new suit, is that correct? Your old classmates gave me this piece of information, is there a reason why?" Best Jeanist asked. 

"No- I just don't need a new suit if the suit I have now works just as good." Katsuki said. 

"I see, any other reason? We heroes are always in need of a new suit. But you've had the same suit since you were a student at U.A.. Everyone else has changed, quite strange to believe your reasoning." Best Jeanist said. 

"I just don't need a different suit, is that so hard to understand?!?!" he yelled.

"I see, then I don't need to bother you for the rest of the day. You're lucky the press doesn't know any of this, otherwise they would discriminate against you. You are the Number 1 hero, and you should be proud of it. Especially when it comes to a new suit." Best Jeanist said and left his office. 

Katsuki sighed and fell back in his chair and covered his eyes with his arm. 

"Damnit, it's not that easy to change my suit." he said. 

Just when he thought he got some peace and quiet, he heard his phone going off. 

"Damnit, what now-" he froze when he saw the icon on the screen. 


"Shit... don't be what I think it is." he said.

He carefully tapped to answer and waited in silence. 

"Are you going to answer your mother or not!?!?" the voice yelled. 

"Geez, it's too early for an old hag like you to be yelling! What do you want so early in the morning!?!" He yelled back. 

"Well I'm so glad you asked, because I have an old friend that has a beautiful daughter that I would love to introduce you to-" 


"Not going to happen! You promised me that you would do it the next time I asked you about a date! Whether you like it or not, you're going to come and meet this nice girl!" she yelled. 

'Crap, how can I get out of this one?' he thought.

He looked down at the floor and saw the business card and froze. He grabbed it and looked at the name on the card: Izumi Midoriya

Light bulb moment! 

"Actually I can't!" he said. 

"And why can't you?" 

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