Weekly Update: Not a Chapter!

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Hello fellow readers! We are about to go into week 12!

I get surprised each week I make these updates because it means that I am constantly wanting to give you guys more.

So in a recent chapter that I posted, I said I want to finish writing this story before the end of the deadline for the Watty's to enter. The deadline if September 30th, and I think I should be done with this story by September, hopefully.

I say that I am so close to the end of the story, and then shit happens to me for work and/or at home. I actually contemplated on taking a week off last week since I was having to take care of my sister's dogs all last week, but I'm glad I didn't.

Fun fact about me: when I write a story, I always try to make a timeline of events on a separate document just so I don't lose track as to how much further I am in the story. A lot of stuff has happened in this story, and I'm happy to know that I haven't repeated a scene or made a scene that didn't make sense. 

( You are welcome to skip what I am about to say since it's personal stuff. )

I think something that is different about my fanfic so far is the fact that I bring up serious discussions and such. Some of the things that I have talked about not necessarily is something that I have gone through, but I've known someone who has. 

Example; recently I just brought up that Sophie had just cried before entering the courtroom to file for her divorce. 

Divorce is actually something I will not take lightly, specifically because my own parents are divorced. My parents got divorced when I was 8, so I didn't really take my parents splitting that bad, but my eldest sister did since she was about to go into high school. In the divorce, my dad ended up getting depression and it was not easy for me or my sisters in the beginning of their divorce. My mom got divorced a second time when I was a freshman in high school, and it was pretty hard for my mom since her second husband was very controlling. (I don't want to go more into detail about divorce, I just know a lot about it.)

Another Example; Izumi was sexually assaulted by Rin who says that she wanted the pleasure because she wasn't 'getting it' from Katsuki.

My middle sister was basically raped when she was in high school, she met this guy who was a college student and at first things were going okay. (We're gonna call this guy 'Adam' just for safety.) But one night, 'Adam' 'wanted more' and basically tried to have sex with my sister. My sister didn't call it sex because she tried to push him away and to stop, but he never did. My sister was traumatized by that experience, and she actually didn't date anyone for a long time after that. She's okay now, nothing to worry about!

Another Example; how Emra's family basically ostracized her out because she didn't want to do what they wanted for her.

After my parents divorced, my mom's side of the family kind of distanced themselves from my mom. It is known in my mom's family that everyone has gone to school, and graduated college and happily married. Everyone except for my mom. My mom never finished college and she got divorced when she was in her 30s. You could say my mom is the 'black sheep' of the family, because of how different my mom is from everyone else.

I talk about these kinds of serious topics because not a lot of writers out there, I assume, want to bring them up. It can be hard for someone who has gone through these things alone, and that's what happened to my family.  

I'm sure most of you have noticed that I do take serious routes for important topics throughout this story. I told you guys about some things that I've seen with my family about some of the important topics, and I wanted my readers to understand that I am a person too. I just want my readers to know that I am a person too and I do have the courage to share these kinds of things to you.

I've said before that I am an introvert, and I've always been the quiet person. A prime example of this would be that I had teachers in high school that couldn't even remember what my own voice sounds like, because I don't talk a lot. I didn't make a lot of friends in school, and I was always thinking about writing my stories and then going straight to work right after. I was never bullied, but there was one instance that made me think that I was not being myself.

I dated this guy when I was very young, and I was just so consumed by love and was lovestruck about this guy, that I didn't realize I was getting on his nerves sometimes. We dated for about 5 months, and he ended up breaking up with me specifically because I was being annoying to him. I think because of him, I just put up this big wall and pushing everyone away and trying to protect myself from getting hurt again.

I haven't dated anyone since, and now that I know who I am as a Bisexual woman, things are seen differently for me.

I think I realized more of about myself once I got into college, I started getting tattoos and was questioning my sexuality in the start of college. The reason I like tattoos specifically is because it speaks to what kind of person you are, and what kind of things you are interested in. I got tattoos because it made me feel like I was a beautiful woman, and I didn't have to speak about what I like to do, because people can just read from my tattoos to understand that I am different. Though I don't have a lot of tattoos, I have 5, I am planning on getting more and all of them are based off of things from my stories.

Though I am still hiding my sexuality to a lot of people, including my parents, I know that there are people out there that support me in who I've become as a person and as a writer.

( Back to the fanfic )

I hope all of you are enjoying this fanfic so far. I think when I have completed this fanfic, I will give you guys a 'teaser' of what the next fanfic will be about. It's gonna be another Fem Izuku x Katsuki, but it will be different.

Hope all of you are excited and prepared for what I have left, because we might actually get close to 200 chapters of this fanfic, not sure yet, but who knows!

Still using song titles for chapters!

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