101: Love Line

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Izumi and the girls of Class 1-A sat down all for dinner, and Izumi noticed right away that Uraraka sat on the other end of the table, away from her. 

"Ahh- I can't remember the last time we all went on a vacation together." Mina said. 

"There's been so much happening in our lives that it's been hard to find time to get together." Momo said. 

"Oh~ says the girl that's dating the Number 2 hero." Mina teased, Momo started to turn flush. 

"Yeah, how did that happen, Momo? I knew you and Todoroki were partnered for the practical exam back in our first year at U.A., is that when it started?" Jiro asked. 

"I-I guess, but some of you have been close to the other boys in our class!" Momo said. They all blushed, but Izumi was the only one surprised by their reaction.

"What? No way, we just got along with our class really well." 

"Even if some of them were complete idiots." Mina and Jiro said. 

"Is it alright if I ask something?" Izumi asked, they all looked at her. 

"Yeah, what's up Midoriya?" Hagakure asked. 

"W-Well... was Mr. Dynamite... bad at U.A.?" Izumi asked nervously. 

"Bad at U.A., he was a complete nightmare!" 

"Yeah, remember every year at the Sports Festival he was always trying to kill everyone!" Mina and Hagakure said. 

"He had a tantrum by the end of the Sports Festival our first year, that was something." Jiro said. 

"Bakugo hasn't been causing any problems to you since you're making his hero suit, right Izumi?" Tsuyu asked.

"N-No! He hasn't been a problem at all! The truth is... I actually had to redesign his suit completely after the new suit was already made." Izumi said. 

"Woah really, but why?" Hagakure asked. 

"It's because... I knew this suit wasn't good enough after he got involved in that accident a couple weeks ago. It took me a whole week to redesign the new suit and I had to get help in creating a new item to his suit as an upgrade. I just thought that it could be my fault if I was the one who ended his career as a hero." Izumi said. 

Uraraka was silent the entire time, and felt her stomach drop when she heard those words.

"Izumi, have you met heroes that've had to retire?" Momo asked. 

"Plenty, one of my closest relatives was one before I entered high school. She was really brave and talented, but she changed and became a therapist. The doctor that took care of Mr. Dynamite was apparently a hero when he was younger as well, but he retired to help his family. Them and... All Might..." Izumi said. 

It was completely silent in the room. Izumi remembered how she felt that day when she was told she had to retire from any and all hero activities because of her situation.

"When we scientists design an item or a suit for someone, it's our goal to make sure that that hero is 100% safe and can manage to become a better hero. So though it wasn't me who made Mr. Dynamite's previous suit, it felt like I failed him as the person that is supposed to make sure he's safe. That and a few other things..." Izumi said. 

The 6 girls were surprised by how calm Izumi was, as she sat there holding her hands together. Mina jumped up from her chair, causing all of them to look at her. 

"No way... you have a crush on Bakugo, don't you Midoriya?!?!?" Mina yelled, Izumi froze.

Izumi was trying to stay calm, but her face blushing said otherwise. 

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