153: Lucky One

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"Since when did you have a car, Kacchan?" Izumi asked. 

"I don't, this is Shitty hair's." Katsuki said, unlocking the car doors. 

"Where are we going anyway?" she asked, getting in the passenger seat. 

"You'll know when we get there." Katsuki said, shutting her door and going to his side. 

"When did you get your driver's license?" Izumi asked. 

"Arg- in high school, now stop asking me stupid questions!" Katsuki said, as he started the car. 


Izumi took a glance and noticed how focused Katsuki was once he took the wheel. It already didn't help that his arms were easily seen, she started to blush. 

"What're you staring at?" Katsuki said, looking in the corner of his eye at her. 

"N-Nothing! I wasn't staring at anything..." she said, as she turned her gaze to the window. 

Katsuki noticed her ears turned red, he smirked, but he continued to keep his eyes on the road.

Izumi kept watching everything they were passing, she hadn't gone on a road trip somewhere in a while, especially in a car. 

'One of the last times me and Kacchan went on a road trip was when we were kids... are we going somewhere special?' Izumi thought. 

As she kept her gaze out the window, Katsuki took the initiative and glanced down to see her hand was open. He carefully reached out and grabbed her left hand, and clasped it together with his hand. 

Izumi felt some warmth coming from her hand and looked down to see Katsuki holding her hand. 

"Kacchan..." She looked up at him. 

"You're wide open, Deku." he said, still with his eyes facing forward. 

"Ah- t-that makes... sense..." Izumi said nervously, as she tightened her grip on his hand.

Izumi noticed they were surrounded by a lot of trees and were going uphill. 

'Where is Kacchan taking me? I've never been over here before.' Izumi thought. 

Once they reached the top of the hill, Izumi noticed right away there was a building, and there were a couple buses in the area. 

'Where are we?' Izumi thought. The car came to a complete stop and the engine turned off. Izumi turned her head to look at Katsuki, she was not sure what was happening. 

"Kacchan, where are we?" Izumi asked. Katsuki rubbed the back of his neck, he tried to find the right words to explain.

"Hah- back in my first year, I came here for some training, and we had to do some training with some other heroes." Katsuki said. 

"'Other heroes'?" He nodded. 

"Yeah, they were those cat people." Katsuki said. Izumi tried to think what he meant and then froze. 

"You mean- we came here to-" he sighed. 

"It's to make up for what happened with that shitty reporter, so I brought you here to meet them." Katsuki said. 

Izumi went wide-eyed, was this actually happening? 

"I get to... meet the Wild, Wild Pussycats?!?!" she yelled. She was so excited and noticed Katsuki was blushing at her excitement. 

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