98: Attraction

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"You need to take a bath, Kacchan." Izumi said, sitting across from him at the table during dinner. Katsuki grit his teeth and didn't seem happy from that sentence. 

"I don't want to." Katsuki said. 

"Kacchan, you've been moping around all week and haven't taken a bath or shower once since you got back from the hospital. At least take a bath and get it over with." Izumi said. 

"No! I'm fine!" 

"Then what do I need to do to get you to take a bath?" Izumi said, Katsuki froze as he didn't realize she would ask something that quick. 

"Tch- help me wash my hair then." Katsuki muttered.

Izumi sighed, but she wasn't all that surprised by his request. 

"Fine, I'll get the water running, and you start cleaning up the kitchen." Izumi said, getting up from her chair and heading to his bedroom. 

"Tch- why do I have to?" 

"Because I know you won't turn on the water if I clean up!" Izumi yelled and went into his bedroom. 

Katsuki wasn't that thrilled to clean, but it's not like he hasn't done it before. While he was cleaning everything up, he heard the sound of running water coming from his bedroom. 

'I don't smell, and I don't need a fucking bath. I'm not a damn dog.' Katsuki thought.

When he finished cleaning the kitchen, he headed into the bedroom and was immediately thrown a pair of swim trunks. 

"What the hell?" 

"Change into those and then come in here!" Izumi yelled from the bathroom and then shut the bathroom door. He looked at the trunks and sighed again, but he took off his clothes and changed into the swim trunks. 

"Okay, I'm wearing them." Katsuki groaned. The bathroom door opened and Izumi stood there with her arms crossed. 

"Then c'mon." Izumi said in a serious tone.

Katsuki walked past her and into the bathroom and saw a chair placed right next to the bathtub. 

"Let me know when you've finished washing yourself." Izumi said. 

"Yah- I thought you said you were gonna fucking help me?!?!" 

"I will, when you've finished washing yourself." Izumi said and shut the door behind him. 

'Tch- stupid Deku... you're supposed to help me!' Katsuki thought. But he listened to what she said and started washing himself and felt a little bit better after having sweat stuck to his body for more than a week.

He finished cleaning himself and sat there in the tub and felt nervous all of a sudden. 

"Oi- Deku! I'm done!" he yelled, there was silence. He waited and actually thought she left, but he didn't want to get up. 

After about 30 seconds of sitting there, the sound of the bathroom door opened and Izumi came back in, she seemed to have changed her clothes. 

"All finished?" Izumi said, he nodded. 

"Good, now lay back and let me wash your hair. After this we need to check your hands to make sure you didn't get them infected." Izumi said.

He slowly turned his body and had his back facing her, and he leaned back to feel the rim of the tub press onto his back. He leaned his head back and was in direct contact with Izumi's face. 

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