116: Nostalgia

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Katsuki woke up in the middle of the night and felt something fluffy sitting next to him. He opened his eyes to see the same familiar dark green cat fast asleep next to him. He lifted his hand over the small head and petted it's fur to hear the sound of a soft purring. 

'Pfft- she can act this cute even as a cat too?' Katsuki thought and gently kissed the cat's fur. He sat up from the bed and rubbed his hair. 

'I have no idea what we're gonna do to save this. I don't want to lose Deku again, especially after what we've become now.' Katsuki thought.

"You have a plan?" Katsuki said. 

"That's right, but it won't be easy to pull off. As long as the press falls for it, then this shouldn't be a problem we can't handle." Emra said. 

"What kind of plan is it?" Katsuki said with a sketchy look. 

"I will be going with Izumi to the press conference. I will make sure she says that there isn't anything going on between you and her. If someone mentions you two have a secret relationship, then I will step in and take care of it. I will make sure the reason you two were seeing each other was for business only. Now, if they continue to disagree, that's where you come in and will shut the power off. This might sound like a hit and run instance, but I can't let Izumi take all of this on her own. I will find a way for you two to see each other after this, I have plenty of friends that can help me with this situation." Emra said.

"You really think that's gonna work?" 

"It's the only idea I have, so you have to deal with it. Unless you want Izumi to tell the truth and then everyone basically boycotts her for fooling around with you?" Emra said. Katsuki knew this plan couldn't possibly work, but it's not like he had an idea himself. 

"Tell me, Katsuki, who else knows about your relationship with Izumi?" Emra asked. 

"My old classmates, our parents... that's it." Katsuki said. 

"Do your classmates disagree with your relationship?" 


"Good, it just seems the only one against this is Izumi's boss. Even Izumi's boss' daughter is fine with you two?" Katsuki nodded. 

"Then there has to be a reason why David Shields is against this in the first place." Emra said.

After Emra left Katsuki's office, Katsuki sat at his desk and remembered how Izumi felt when he had to leave her apartment to go to work.

( Flashback )

Izumi had her arms wrapped around Katsuki's waist and was halfway off the bed still hanging onto him. 

"Deku, I have to leave." 

"No... you're so warm..." Izumi said, tightening her grip on his waist. 

"But I'll get really lonely..." Izumi pleaded. 

'Arg- stop being so damn cute!' Katsuki yelled in his head. Katsuki sighed and grabbed her right arm and lifted her up from the bed. 

"If I give you a hug, will you let me leave?" Katsuki said, holding her up to his face. She had a pouty face, but she nodded. Katsuki smiled subtly and pulled her right arm around his shoulders and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"We'll figure something out, Deku." Katsuki said. 

"I know... I just want this to last longer..." Izumi said. They released from their hug and Izumi watched as Katsuki got to the front door and was putting on his shoes. 

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