29: Dinner Together?

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"Oi, what are you staring at?" Katsuki said. 

"M-Mr. Dyna-" Katsuki placed a hand right over her mouth. She went wide and looked up at him. 

"Not a good idea to say my hero name out in public, stupid." Katsuki said. Izumi nodded and he released his hand from her mouth. 

She looked up and got a closer look at what he was wearing. Katsuki was wearing a dark red hoodie, the hood was covering his spiky blond hair. He had ripped black jeans and a mask over his mouth. 

"What are you doing out here, Katsuki?" Izumi asked. 

"What does it look like? I came for food." Katsuki said. 

"O-Oh, I see..." Izumi said, trying to avoid his eyes.

Katsuki looked at her and what she was wearing, casual but comfortable clothes. 

'She even looks cute like this...' Katsuki thought. 

"So then..." Katsuki looked up at her. 

"Where's Hiroki?" 

'Hiroki, does she mean that mutt?' 

"I had to take him back to my aunt." Katsuki said. 

"Oh, we don't have to take care of him anymore? Looks like he won't be making a mess at your place anymore." Izumi said as she made a warm smile. 

Katsuki had to look away since he started blushing. 'Damnit... why is she so fucking cute?!?!' Katsuki yelled in his head. 

"If you want..." Katsuki turned his head. 

"You can join me for dinner tonight? I'm free." Izumi said. 


Katsuki had to think about this, was this some kind of trap?

"What are you making then?" 

"Oh, I haven't decided yet, but why don't you pick something, and I'll make it." Izumi said. 

Katsuki had to think long and hard about this, that's when he finally got it. 


Izumi looked up at him, he seemed pretty serious. 

'Katsudon, that's one of my favorite foods...' Izumi thought, she smiled. 

"Okay, Katsudon for dinner it is." Izumi said. Izumi started to think of what all was in Katsudon. 

'Hmm, it's been a long time since I had Katsudon...' Izumi thought.

 Katsuki gritted his teeth, grabbed the basket out of her hands and started walking through the market. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Since you can't remember what's in it, I'll just grab what we need to make it!" Katsuki said and walked off with her basket.

Without even letting Izumi do anything, Katsuki grabbed everything they needed and paid for it! 

"K-Katsuki, you didn't have to pay for this." 

"I do, because you won't be making it." Katsuki said. 

"I can cook Katsuki." 

"Not with that injury from your hand." Katsuki said. Katsuki was right, Izumi still felt her palm was a bit swollen from burning it a couple days prior. 

"Alright fine, just don't make a mess in my kitchen." Izumi said, heading to the direction of her place. 

"Aren't you coming?" Katsuki blushed and quickly followed after her.

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