133: Tell Me ( What is Love )

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Izumi got to work and noticed practically all the scientists were standing at the front entrance and looked like they were waiting for Izumi. As soon as she entered, they all tried to crowd her and talk to her. 

"Ack- what's going on?!?!" Izumi yelled. 

"Izumi! Thank goodness you're here!" Melissa said, getting through the crowd to grab Izumi's hand. 

Melissa and Izumi got out of the crowd and were heading to Izumi's office. The scientists continued to follow them and Izumi had no idea what was going on. 

"Why is everyone following me?" Izumi asked. 

"There's a reason for that, but you won't know until you get to your office." Melissa said.

"Hah- if this is some kind of joke, I'm not gonna- huh?" Izumi opened the door to her office and froze. 

The office was surrounded by Lily of the Valley, it looked more like a garden than an office. 

"W-What is this?!?!" Izumi yelled. 

"There's a note on your desk." Melissa said, pointing to her desk. 

Izumi walked up to her desk and saw a card and recognized the handwriting to be Katsuki's. She picked up the card and opened it to read the words; I'm sorry.


Can you please come home tonight, I wanna talk to you. 

'Kacchan... wants to talk to me?' Izumi thought. 

"Assuming it's from Dynamite, just why is it this flower?" Melissa asked. Izumi smiled and turned her head to look at Melissa. 

"Lily of the Valley... is my favorite flower." Izumi said. 

"I-Is it really? Huh, I didn't know you had a favorite flower, let alone Dynamite knew about it. But did he really have to cover your entire office with it? I'm not saying it smells bad, it's just gonna take a while to clean this out." Melissa said, looking around the office. 

"I like it." Melissa looked at Izumi. 

"You do?" 

"Mn, because it's from Kacchan, and he knows me the most." Izumi said with a warm smile. Melissa was a bit surprised, but then again she felt happy just seeing Izumi smiling happily about this. 

"Alright... hope you can work through this then." Melissa said and left her office.

Izumi finished work for the day and felt her phone buzz. 


It was a text from Katsuki. 

I'll be waiting for you. 

She felt her heart racing, that meant he was already home. 

'No... I should stay calm and go home and freshen up a bit.' Izumi thought and went home first.

Katsuki got out of the shower after just getting off of patrol and looked at his phone to see that Izumi read his text. 

'She read it but didn't respond?' Katsuki thought. 

Knowing that she didn't respond hurt his chest a little. He sat down on the couch and tried to think of what he could do. He already knew he messed up since his mom called him the night before just talking about it.

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