136: Rewrite the Stars

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"So this is your new office?" Katsuki said, looking around. 

"Yup, I'm still not used to it yet, but it's a good change. Take a seat!" Izumi said, sitting down at her desk. Katsuki looked at the cabinets behind Izumi's desk and saw a bouquet of Lily of the Valley. 

"Oi- are those from me?" Katsuki asked. Izumi turned and saw the bouquet and smiled. 

"Of course, they're the last bunch of flowers that you delivered to my office. You didn't have to go all out just for an apology though." Izumi said. 

"I wanted to..." Katsuki muttered. 

"Hmph, of course you did." Izumi said.

Her desk was set for their lunch, Katsuki took off his mask and his gloves. 

"How is the new suit, Kacchan?" Izumi asked. 

"It's fine, it works better than the last one." Katsuki said, as he started to eat. 

"I told you it would be worth getting a new one." Izumi said. 

"Tch- I was just lucky." Katsuki said.

Katsuki kept thinking about what happened earlier, when he saw Izumi standing in front of the reporter, Rin Kōkogaku. 

"That guy..." Izumi looked up at him. 


"Who were you talking to earlier?" Katsuki asked. 

"Oh-" She swallowed her food. 

"That was Rin Kōkogaku! He's a famous hero reporter! Have you never met him before?" Izumi asked. 

"Ah- I've met him, I just didn't see his face earlier." Katsuki said. 

"Oh- well he came to talk to me about getting interviewed by him some time next week! Isn't that exciting?" Izumi said. 

Wait- she was getting interviewed? 

Why did that sound like a bad idea to Katsuki?

"Any reason why you're being interviewed?" 

"I don't know, maybe it's since I'm the new Assistant Director, or something else. I highly doubt they would ask me about my hero stuff." Izumi said. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Oh- I never told you because it seemed a little irrelevant. After my accident a couple years ago, we basically tried to cover everything about my hero life and made sure no one would talk about it after I retired. Ever wonder why you can never find my hero information on social media?" Izumi said. 

Katsuki squinted his eyes and she was waiting for him to try and search for it. Katsuki pulled out his phone, and since he already knew Izumi's old hero name, he searched for it, but to his surprise, there was nothing.

"There really is nothing... Why are you hiding your hero stuff?" Katsuki asked. 

"Well... there are a few reasons, but the main one was because I didn't last as a hero for a long time. I was only a hero for about a year and a half, I just didn't want to be considered a failure, I guess." Izumi said. 

Katsuki could tell this kind of saddened her, so he grabbed her hand, she looked up at him. 

"You're not a failure, Izuku." Katsuki said. 


"Clearly you didn't fail, since you made my suit. And... you're very talented, Izuku." Katsuki said. 

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