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Type stared at the clear waters in front of him. His fists shook against his side and he took in a deep breath. "I HATE YOU, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" he screamed. His tears had dried, but his body shook as he tried not to run back across the street into that asshole's house. 

He felt a presence behind him and stiffened. The touch on his shoulder was soft and comforting, but it did nothing to calm him down. 

"Ai Tyyyype..." Tharn called softly. He shook Type's shoulder to make him face him, but Type shook him off. 

"Ai Type, I'm sorry. I was just..." Tharn sighed. His heart hurt and he wanted to draw Type into his arms and never let him go. He'd been selfish. Wanting to make Type face this his way instead of letting him deal with it. And maybe he should've let Type deal with it in his own way, but Type had never done it and Tharn couldn't stand to see him this way anymore. 

After a long silence, Type turned around to glare at him. His dark eyes glittered with pain, anger and disappointment. "You were just what?" Type pushed at Tharn's shoulder. "You were just what, hmm?" Type pushed Tharn again as Tharn pleaded with his eyes to make him understand. "You were just fucking bringing me to my worst nightmare. For what?!" Type screamed. 

Type reached out to push him again, but Tharn dragged him into his embrace by his arms and hugged him tight. Type shook and squirmed and tried to get away from him as he sobbed into his shirt. His fist pounded against Tharn's chest, but then opened gently after Tharn refused to let him go. 

"To heal," Tharn said gently next to Type's ear. Type's body relaxed against his and Tharn let him go. 

Type blinked furiously. "To heal? From what? I haven't thought about this in so long."

Tharn sighed as if exasperated. Denying it until the end, he thought. "Techno told me about your nightmares." Type looked away and cursed Techno to hell under his breath. "I could hear you screaming in the background," Tharn continued.  "I was miles away and helpless and I never want to experience this again" Tharn said fiercely. His eyes burned into Type's face and held their own pain and anger. 

Type's hands fisted again and he glared back at Tharn. "You had no right! No right to lie to me to see any fucking asshole for some fucked up therapy!" Type's chest heaved up and down as his anger rose up to swallow them both. Tharn was so fucking nosy, he had no idea...Type couldn't even finish his thought. It wouldn't do any good to bring up the past. 

"Do you remember Lhong?" Tharn asked. "Do you remember how you felt when someone you loved was in pain because of another person? Do you remember how you lied to me and made me experience losing you just to get him away from me? All I could think when I got you back was that I loved you and I never wanted you to leave me again. I was grateful. Why can't you see I'm doing the same for you? If you don't want to go in there, then agree to therapy or something because you cannot go on like this," Tharn reasoned. He'd said all he wanted to say. It was a miracle that Type hadn't run away already. 

Type breathed deeply. He wanted to snap back that it wasn't the same, but the words sounded hollow in his mind. He was mature enough to understand Tharn's reason, but he couldn't make himself cross the street. He was so angry he felt he could kill someone. 

"I won't go in there and I won't see any fucking doctor either" Type said defiantly.  

Tharn approached Type and held on to his hands. His ringed thumb stroked his knuckles soothingly. "Didn't you tell me you want to stop running?" 

Type snatched his hands back and turned to walk away. He heard a sound behind him and turned around to look at Tharn.

Tharn was on his knees looking up at him. "Please," he begged quietly.

THARNTYPE: AS WE GET OLDEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora