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Mature content ahead! Read at your own risk!

"Dad, let's sell the resort."

"Ai brat, what are you talking about!" His father yelled. 

Type sighed. He knew it wasn't going to be easy to convince his dad. He looked at his mom and nodded towards his father. If there was someone on this earth that could convince the old man, it was her.

"Honey, it's time to go. This place is not like it used to be. We should pass it along for someone else to manage." Type's mom patted his father's hand comfortingly. 

"Hmmm, I don't like to be idle." His father frowned. 

Tharn had been in the corner quietly observing, but now he tried his best not to smile. When his father-in-law frowned, it looked just like Type. Tharn and mom were really pitiful. 

"Hey, farang! What are you laughing about over there?" Type's father pointed a finger at him as if threatening him. 

"Nothing, Pa. You're just so cute like Type." Tharn smiled widely. "Just come live with us. Type and I originally bought the house thinking you would move in with us."

Type's father smiled evilly. "Really? Okay, that settles it." His hands slapped his thighs and he got up like he was half his age. 

Type stared hard at him and then got up in front of Tharn protectively. "What are you thinking, old man?"

"Nothing." His father said with wide eyes. "I'm just curious about how you both live. When can we sell?" Truthfully, he was just teasing his son. He was actually really touched that Tharn wanted them to come live with them. And he was really too tired to keep up with the resort and the constant repairs. It would be good for someone else to take over. It would also be good to watch Tharn's horrified expression. 

"Pa, I've already been talking to some potential buyers. If they're okay with you it shouldn't take more than a month to sell and move." Tharn said. 

Type turned around to look at him. "When did you do all that?"

Tharn smiled and joined their hands together lovingly. "aow, haven't you been talking about this for a while? So I did some research and started talking to some people." 

Type looked down at their joined hands with a smile. His heart beat as fast as when they'd first met. He would never stop falling in love with the way Tharn loved him. So quietly and steadfast and unconditionally. It made him want to do something for him. 

Type leaned forward until his lips were beside Tharn's ear. "Come swimming with me tonight."

Tharn's eyes went heavy lidded as he nodded slowly. Type could see the dirty images in his brain and smiled evilly as he stepped away from him. 

Type turned towards his parents. "Okay. So we'll set up a meeting between you and the buyer and you decide."

His dad frowned. "Are you going back home?"

"Yeah, pa. Tomorrow. We have to go back to work." Type said. 

"Hmmm, I only saw you for five minutes and you're already leaving." His father said grumpily. 

Type smiled. "You'll be seeing a lot more of us soon, old man."

Type's father kicked his leg out, but Type jumped back just in time while laughing. His old man was getting slow. 

"Okay, come on. Let's have dinner." His mother said. While her husband had been pacing back and forth waiting for Type, she'd been slaving away in the kitchen as usual. Sometimes she really wondered who the umbilical cord was tied to when Type was born. 

THARNTYPE: AS WE GET OLDERWhere stories live. Discover now