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Kanya leapt into Type's arms as soon as he walked in. Her fingers clutched at him helplessly as she sobbed against his chest.

Even though she was a nurse and knew Ram could recover, she still felt completely overwhelmed with fear. Ever since she'd begun to hear stories from Type, her fear of losing Ram had grown exponentially. She'd thought hearing about her uncles' love would strengthen her and make her feel more secure, but the more she heard about their love the sadder she got looking at her uncle Type living alone. She didn't think she had the strength to do that. 

Type hugged her back awkwardly. He looked behind her to check on Ram. He was unconscious. His arm was in a sling and he had a neck brace holding him immobile. 

"What happened?" Type asked with a frown. If it was what he suspected then he would help. If it was worse than he suspected than all he could do was be there for Kanya. 

Kanya stepped back and sniffled. She got into nurse mode and told Type what happened. "His car accident caused a fracture in his arm and the worst is..."Kanya cleared her throat and started again. "The worst thing is he's had a spinal cord injury. The doctor said he could walk again with physiotherapy, but that it can take months or even up to a year. Uncle Type will you...?"

Type put up his hand to stop her. "Of course, I will help if Ram lets me." 

Kanya let out a sigh of relief. It wouldn't be easy to convince Ram to get help, but hopefully he would do it for her. 

Type sat with Kanya for a long time. They both spoke to the doctor and came up with a physical therapy plan, but it would all be up to Ram. He had the final say on what his treatment would be. 

"He's so strong all the time, that I'm not sure what he would choose," Kanya said with a helpless expression. "And the wedding was supposed to be in a couple of days..."

"Ask your mom for help explaining to the guests. The most important thing is for Ram to get better. And if he loves you, he will want to get better as soon as possible." Type tried to comfort Kanya as much as he could, but he didn't know Ram enough to know what he would do. If he was like Tharn, he would say that Ram would cling lovingly to Kanya and would try to be pampered like a prince while he's sick. However, he suspected Ram was more like him: prideful and logical. 

And Type was right. As soon as Ram woke up, the first thing he said to Kanya was "let's cancel the wedding."

"What about in sickness and in health? Ram, you promised me the rest of your life." Kanya said forcefully. She had mentally prepared herself to fight for him. 

Ram smiled ruefully, "That's after the wedding, not before. I absolutely will not get married until I'm sure I'm capable of giving you my best self." Ram had been reluctant to even date because of their age difference and now all he saw was invalid trying to take a young woman down with him. He loved Kanya too much to see her suffer daily and become a shell of herself. It was one thing to promise "in sickness and in health" and another thing to live it. 

Type coughed subtly to intervene, but Kanya in true Tharn fashion stomped out of the hospital room to avoid the fight. 

Type sighed. "So what are you going to do? She asked me to help you with physical therapy."

Ram gave him a pensive look. "What is the success rate?" 

Type felt relieved. At least the young man was reasonable. "It's high. Your spinal cord was injured, but I've already spoken to the doctor and you can probably be back on your feet in three months with physical therapy. We can have you transferred to my center in Bangkok and I can help you myself." 

THARNTYPE: AS WE GET OLDERWhere stories live. Discover now