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Type stepped towards Tharn with his chin up in defiance as if to say "what are you gonna do?". 

Tharn's expression was like a dark storm. There was no sign of softening at all. 

"I'm done," Tharn put up his hands and then took up his keys. 

Type tracked him around the room with a frown. "You're done?!" he yelled after him. I'M fucking done!"

As soon as the door slammed shut behind Tharn, Type roared and swept everything on the table to the floor. The pieces of the check he had worked so hard to get stared back at him. 

He collapsed on the couch and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Why is he always like this? It's because of MY parents that we have to buy a house. I just don't want to burden you," Type thought. 

Type checked on his phone throughout the night, but Tharn's number never showed up on his phone. "He's such a freaking baby!"

Meanwhile, the baby was at his parents' home after having just gone home and understandably they were quite puzzled. His mother looked at him from the corner of her eyes and then glanced at her husband as if to say "talk to him". 

Tharn sighed and put them out of their misery. "I had a fight with Type."

"Again?!" his parents exclaimed in unison. Tharn's head snapped up in indignation. "We don't fight that often."

"Tharn, you guys cannot leave the house every time you fight. What is this about now?"

Tharn was so conflicted. He wanted to talk about it with his parents, but didn't want them to see Type in a bad light. Over the years, his parents had grown to love Type more and more. Even though he and Type were fighting, Tharn knew Type loved his parents as well. 

"Ma, I just need to calm down" Tharn said. He slowly got up from the dinner table and went upstairs to his room. Everything still looked the same, but the empty bed made his heart hurt. "Ai Type, why can't you bend a little? Why don't you include me in your life?" Tharn thought. 

In fact, he knew that Type just didn't want to burden his parents, but that wasn't the problem. Every time, Type just made decisions without including him as if he had no say or as if he was alone in this relationship.

Tharn's phone sounded in the quiet room and he glared at the door when he saw it was P'Thorn. His parents must have called him. 

"P' Thorn, " Tharn said as a greeting. 

"What'd you do now?" Thorn responded. 

Tharn laid back on the bed and frowned at the ceiling. "Why do you assume it's me?" 

"Type has changed a lot. He's still a little standoffish, but he's still more reasonable than you," Thorn said cheekily. 

"This time it's not my fault."

"What happened?"

Tharn sighed again. "I asked mom and dad for a loan so we can get a house."

"Oh Tharn," Thorn gave a disappointed sigh. 

"What? How is that bad? He'd rather get a loan from a bank just to save his pride," Tharn said indignantly. He was getting angry all over again. 

" I thought you guys saved a lot already," Thorn said gently. 

"Not enough. We found a big house that we really wanted, but it was outside our price range. I told him we can just borrow it from mom and dad and he said "no"."

THARNTYPE: AS WE GET OLDERWhere stories live. Discover now