Chapter 13

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Cidalia's POV

The next day I woke up in my dark room. It was the first time that I had a restful sleep. After I finally told Nova about my terrible past and cried my soul out of my body, I felt like all pain and sadness were washed away. For the first time I did not regret my actions and finally slept peacefully. I crawled out of my bed and walked outside of my room and upstairs. Quietly I opened the door and investigated the living area. No one was around; they were probably still in bed. I caught the sight of the closed curtains on the left side of the living room and walked towards them. They were closed since the day I was brought here. I never gave much attention to them since it was the same as in my room, but now I wondered what was behind them. Until now I never asked questions about where I was or if I was still in the same country. I just realized that I still did not know anything about my kidnappers and what the purpose behind this whole situation was.

Slowly I walked on tiptoes towards the closed window and held onto the curtains. For a short second I paused... Should I really take a glimpse? The voice of the demanding governor was still presentable in my head. I should never have opened the curtains, but sometimes I could not resist; I just had to give up on my own curiosity. With shaking hands, I moved the curtains a bit and glanced outside. The view was different than from my own room. I usually looked into a big green garden with the same big tree and flowers. But this view was different. I saw a lot of buildings, streets, cars and much more. I was probably in an apartment in a big city, but I was not sure if this was the same city where our mansion was. I observed hundreds of people who walked to their jobs and homes in a hurry. The streets were busy and full of life, and I just wondered what kind of lives they would live. Are they happy, or sad; do they have a family or not... what would it feel to live a life like them? Maybe if I had been born into another family would I have been able to find true happiness? All those thoughts spun around my head that I had not even realized that Aurora stood next to me.

>>The streets are kinda busy today... Sometimes I wonder if I could live a life like those people down there...<< Her words took me by surprise, and I flinched a bit. >>I'm sorry I didn't want to scare you. Here you go; this one will calm you down!<< She handed me a small cup with brown liquid in it. It smelled amazing and I was eager to find out how it would taste. I took the small cup from her hands. Slowly I took a sip and my face immediately brightened as the sweet and warm taste hit my tongue. I felt like I was brought into a new world. This drink filled me up with so much happiness and warmth that I swallowed it down in an instant. My face was still shining and smiling from this amazing feeling, and I looked towards the taller woman in front of me. She chuckled a bit when she saw my happy face.

>>Well it seems as if you like my hot chocolate special recipe; do you want some more?!<< I nodded, and my smile grew even wider. >>Ok let's head to the kitchen than!<< She smiled and closed the curtains. >>You shouldn't open the curtains again... it's dangerous since other people could find out our location if they would see you.<< Kinda sad I looked down towards my feet. I knew she was right, but I hoped that this time it would have been different; that I could finally see the outside without being blocked by the curtains. Aurora noticed my gloomy and sad face. She laid her arm around my shoulder. >>Hey, don't be sad it's just for safety reasons. Let's just get you a new cup of hot chocolate and you will see, afterwards you always feel better!<< She smiled at me. It was a warm and carrying smile and instantly I felt better just by looking into her welcoming face. She was always calm and gentle, and I felt secure with her presence.

I sat down on the kitchen table while Aurora started to make a new cup of hot chocolate. >>Hey Cera, I know you're not the person who talks much but if you need help or have something on your mind you can always talk to me! I know this mind sound silly since we kidnapped you, but it looks like your life was much rougher than we ever expected, and I want to help you!<< Clarified Aurora.

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