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It all started with a strange accident which took place 100 years ago. A young boy destroyed half of his hometown after discovering a strange hidden magic inside his organism. Since then, 30% of humanity around the world ascertained the same ability within themselves. There were all sorts of magic; some based on the elements such as water and fire, some on the human body and spirit energy and others were based on animal features and attacks.

Humanity considered the new powers a gift from the gods and praised those who received them. But with every great gift comes the calamity. Hostility, fear, and hatred poisoned the human hearts over the years, dividing society into two classes: the enchanters, as the special people called themselves, and the normal humans. Soon, a war was declared between the two classes to slaughter those who were different from the others. The war continued 45 years, after 65 percent of humanity had been killed and thousands of cities and countries destroyed. It was declared to stop the war to end this inconclusive butchering of humanity and destroying the world. But even after the war was finally over, greed, envy, wrath, and hatred spread among the survivors. Discriminations and murders disseminated through the society.

To end the chaos in the world ones and for all, the most powerful enchanters decided to create final peace and stop the endless fights, by taking over the global dominance. Their goal was to create a society where all people could live in peace and respect each other. But their plan was harder to achieve than they thought it would be. Most of the survivors held a grudge against the other class; especially the normal humans which were in superior number believed that the enchanters wanted to gain more power and rule over the world by oppressing their kind.

In order to receive the support and trust from the normal ones, the enchanters decided to sacrifice people of their own kind to smooth down the situation and present a responsible person for all the terrible things that happened over the last 50 years. As a result, their act caused a slaughter of hundreds of enchanters all around the globe while their reputation grew within the society. Soon the most powerful enchanters became a heroic figure and were known as the royal class which saved humanity by killing the guilty ones and ending the war.

Within the next 50 years peace was brought over the world while the royal ones did everything to create a good working society to veil the injustice, they brought over the world. They were praised for their good deeds and plastered with eulogies and gifts, while in reality their achieving peace came with the blood of innocent people. But the humans fear of a newly approaching war stopped the questioning of the royal's actions, and everyone forgot for their own selfish reasons on which foundation their freedom was build.

I was born into this so called peaceful and happy society. But the facade of the honorable and selflessness heroes and benefactors crumbled under those who felt betrayed and exploited by the society. The royal enchanters did everything to stop new riots and maintain the peace, but they knew that a new war would approach soon.

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