Chapter 19

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Cidalia's POV

It was ten years ago when the world changed. After the terrible incident at the Bennington's residence the society finally realized that something had to change. A new constitution was brought up and a government was elected by the people. We still had to fight against protests, discrimination, and manipulation, but the world was on a better way. Waize became one of the chairmen at the newly founded government. He did his best to fight against the injustice in our city and tried to finally change it to the better. Meanwhile I started my own company four years ago. I opened up a flower shop in a small country region. After years of torment by my family I needed a long time to regain my strength and willpower back. But with the help of my friends, I was finally able to move on.

Nova and Aurora always tried to visit me at least once in a month to catch up with each other. Unfortunately, Aurora is pretty busy with her job as a doctor while Nova is flying around the globe as a flight assistance. So, we don't really see each other often; but every time we do see us, it was as if we never been separated.

The small bell of my shop rang, ripping me out of my thoughts. >>I'm coming!<< I screamed as I placed the last pot on a shelve before climbing down the ladder carefully. As my legs felt the floor under me, I was about to head towards the shop when I felt two arms embracing me kindly from behind. I smiled at the gentle touch as my sight fell on the single white Lily which was held by the right hand.

>>Is this a flower from my shop!<< I chuckled as I took it out of his hand.

>>Maybe... But it reminded me of you.<< The deeper voice laughed before letting go of me. >>I thought you could close earlier and go out with me.<< He suddenly asked as I turned around to him.

His blue officer uniform was a bit dirty. He probably came directly after work. I wonder if he had trouble with arresting someone before he came here... I smiled brightly at his request and blanked into his beautiful red eyes.

>>Yeah, I would love to go Zen.<<

-The end-

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