Chapter 1

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Cidalia's POV

It was a bright and sunny day. One of those days you would probably go out with your friends and just enjoy your life. Go swimming, climbing on trees or go out for a walk.
But not me! I am the one and probably only person in this country who was not allowed to go outside and have fun.

I sat in my comfortable wooden chair and stared outside my big window. A breeze went by, letting the leaves dance in the sky. Their green color was reflected by the shining sun and shimmered beautiful. A sigh escaped my lips and I wished I could dance with those leaves. I imagined myself standing barefoot on the grass and spinning around while the wind blows through my hair. The sweet beery- and honey-smell fills up the air and the birds singing a song just for me. Only I will be in this peaceful place. No rules, no complains, no obligations; nobody who will order me around and tell me how I should live my life.

I reached out my right arm to catch the leaves, but the window glass stopped me. It brought me back to reality and I realized my loneliness and imprisonment. In the next moment, the dancing leaves turned completely brown and crumbled down to earth. Frightened I withdraw my hand and held it close to my heart with the other one. What have I done? My heartbeat and breathing got faster and I had the feeling of fainting every minute. That was when a knock at my door brought me back.

>>Miss Bennington, may I come in?<< A gentle female voice spoke from the other side of my door.

>>Yes, please come in.<< I answered with my soft and quiet voice. A maid opened the door carefully and bowed down before entering my room. She looked appalled at my window und rushed over to the curtains.

>>Oh no Miss, what have you done! You should know that the curtains should be closed all the time. The sun is not good for your light, white skin!<< Frustrated and with a longing expression I stared into the garden before the curtains blocked my view.

>>I am truly sorry. I did not mean to cause you any kind of trouble.<< I stood up and fixed my turquoise nightgown.

>>You are not even dressed yet!<< The maid looked at me with disbelieve. >>You know what the governor thinks about this kind of behavior. I am calling the other maids to help you to get dressed!<< She rang a bell and immediately three new maids entered my room. Without another word they grabbed my wrist and dragged me into my bathroom. Within five minutes they dressed me up into a pink, white rose dress. When I saw into the mirror, I had the feeling of looking at a completely different person. My white skin seemed even lighter while wearing this white princess dress. Actually, to me it looked more like a wedding dress than my usual gown. Even my blond hair had an elaborate chignon style while a diamond hair ribbon shimmered bright on my head.

>>The governor awaits you in the sunroom. Please do not let him wait too long.<< With those last words all four maids exited my room and left me behind all alone. Slowly I opened the door and stepped outside in the corridor. The guards in front of my room bowed as I looked their way. I gave them a small but friendly smile while I walked down the hall. The mansion was quite big, and it took me a while to get to my location. Every room and hall I went through was filled with rare and invaluable objects, pictures, and prizes. I have not been around those rooms for quite a while. The last time I came here was when HE paid me a visit. I hoped I would not see him today, but it seems that must be the reason why I am dressed like this.

Finally, I stood in front of the door which led me directly into the sunroom. Two guards were standing in front of it. When they realized my presence, they immediately opened the door. I heart a lot of loud voices and laughter when I entered the huge saloon. It was the largest and brightest room in this mansion due to the big windows on the southside. A lot of people were gathered in here. I realized some of the guest where descendants from big and powerful families all around the country. What do they all want here?

I finally made a step inside the hall. That was when everything went quiet, and all the guest glanced towards me. I shivered a bit but tried to stay focused. While I walked slowly through the saloon. I heard a lot of people whispering and muttering about me:

>>Is that her?<<

>>I have never thought she would be this beautiful.<<

>>It is like an angel came down to earth.<<

>>Her father must be so proud of her.<<

The governor came into my vision which frightened me for a short among of time. He wore a black suit with a perfect bound tie and shining black leather shoes. I took my lead towards him while still looking admirable and calm. With grace I bowed when I stood right in front of him.

>>My dearest father. I apologize for my late appearance. I did not mean to keep you waiting.<< The well-dressed man nodded and turned towards his guests.

>>My dearest guests. I welcome you all to my mansion. I, Charles Bennington, Supreme Head of the Bennington Family, am honored to invite you as my guests. It is a pleasure to have you all as a witness for my daughter's engagement.<< My heartbeat stopped for a moment. What did he just say? Engagement?!

I had the feeling that I would faint every minute. Every guest clapped and looked towards me. I tried to calm myself down to maintain the perfect impression of myself. I could not let anyone see my frightened, confused, and sad expression. While I was still fighting with my own feelings a certain someone stepped in front of me and the governor. It really was HIM!

He wore a black suit while his hair was perfectly combed back. His smile was even brighter than the last time I saw him. The governor hugged him tight and smiled brightly while turning back to his guests.

>>Let me introduce my future sun in law!<< No, please do not say his name. >>Jonathan Mike Gouthered.<<

As soon as his name was said all guests started to cheer and mumble about this engagement:

>>Oh my, our honored and most praised Enchanter will become Miss Bennington's husband. She must be beyond happy about the engagement.<<

>>She is very lucky to live this life.<<

>>I wish I could have her life.<<

I felt sick for a moment. I just wanted to run out of this room, this mansion; just run away from my miserable life. But I know the governor would find me everywhere. There was no escape from here! I am a prisoner in my own life, which seems so perfect to the outsiders but felt like hell on the inside. I was extremely focused on still acting like the perfect and admirable daughter everybody expected from me, that I did not realize Jonathan who got down on his knees right in front of me.

>>Cidalia Emelin Rientina Astreya Bennington. I know this whole situation had blindsided you but please listen to my words. I knew you since you were five years old, and I had the feeling right away that you are the perfect mother for my children. You are beautiful, the perfection at itself, and I want you to be mine forever. Your beautiful emerald eyes and bright smile made my heart melt because of your beauty and outstanding appearance. Cidalia, my love, will you do me the honor in marrying you?<<

Complete silence spreadthrough the room. Every guest held one's breath. All sights were directed towardsme in curiosity. That was when I felt a sudden sickness. My feet could not holdmy body up anymore. My breathing and heartbeat stopped. In a blink of an eyethe darkness consumed me and the last thing I could see were the disappointedand furies eyes of my father. Then everything went black.

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