Chapter 2

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Zen's POV

An annoying beeping tone woke me up. I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head. But it didn't work, I still could hear this stupid alarm. Furious I grabbed the alarm clock and threw it at the wall. Immediately it broke into thousands of pieces. Satisfied I lied back into my comfortable bed and tried to sleep again when the door opened.

>>ZEN! Wake up you idiot we have work to do.<<

>>The hell you want Aurora! I told you so many times don't fucking wake me up!<< I threw a pillow at her, but she dodged it.

>>Seriously you broke your clock again. You know I will get you a new one.<< Aurora rebuked.

>>And you should know that I will break it again, like I did the last times!<< I could feel her angry glance towards me, but I didn't care; I just wanted to sleep again.

>>Ok I have enough of this!<< She yelled. Aurora grabbed my blanket furiously and pulled it away.

>>Ok that's it!<< I jumped out of my bed to seize her hand but she was gone the second I tried. Only white fog was floating through my room. Oh no; not this again! I sighed. That was when she kicked me in my right flank. I gasped and got down to my knees. Every breath created an immense pain flowing through my body. Aurora appeared right in front of me again, with a shimmering blueish skin.

>>So, are you ready to come now?<< She raised an eyebrow and had her arms crossed while looking down at me. >>Let's go, the boss is waiting for us!<< The girl turned around and headed for the room door.

>>You get that back!<< I smirked.

>>Huh did you say something.<< She turned around. That was when I charged a big fireball at her. It flew close by her face and slammed into the wall leaving a hole inside it.

>>You crazy moron!<< She screamed and looked at me with furious eyes. I burst out in laughter when I saw her scared face. >>You should see you face; you look ridiculous with this kind of expression!<<

>>Well then let's see how you will look after I'm finished with you!<< She raised her hands in order to create new fog.

>>Give me all you've got!<< I was fired up and created little explosions in my hand. We ran towards each other, ready to go all out for it. That's when I felt a small stitch in my left arm. In a blink of an eye, we both got immobilized.

>>Nova why now?!<< Aurora complained. The small teenaged girl entered the room. She had here annoying and bright smile all over her face.

>>Morning guys!<< She cheered while jumping around us. >>You should know by now, that you shouldn't ruin our rooms while fighting with each other.<<

>>We got it bunhead! Now detached this spell!<< I hissed at her.

>>You big old Meany! I just wanted to train my magic as well.<< She pouted while taking out her knife, cut herself in the left finger and licked over her blood. Aurora and I stumbled when the spell vanished. I took out the needle in my left arm and threw it at Nova.

>>Do not interfere the next time or I'll kill you!<<

>>If I would take money from you every time you say these words to me, I would be rich by now!<< Nova chuckled. I glared at her, but she just ignored it and walked out of the room with her stupid smile. >>By the way you should hurry up the boss is waiting!<< She reminded us. I took my hands in my pockets and trudged down.

>>WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!<< The bosses voice was heart all over the place. Wow he seems enraged; did he woke up on the wrong side of the bed?

>>I'm sorry boss! We didn't mean to keep you waiting we just practice our magic.<< Aurora tried to calm him down.

>>Sorry I didn't want to scream but something urgent came up and we don't have much time!<< Wow I've never seen him this stressed before. Did something happen?

>>Ok then, spill the beans what is it this time?<< I questioned curious.

>>I need you to kidnap a person with immense magic powers!<< He informed while opening a black folder on the table.

>>Don't tell me we have to kidnap the number one enchanter in our society!<< Nova complaint. >>He is a jerk who lives for his popularity. I don't even think that he cares for any human being! He just acts like the big deliverer, but he just does it because he is cunning!<<

>>No! I don't need this ignorant weasel! The person I want is a 16-year-old girl. She is the daughter of the Bennington family!<< Our boss explained.

>>Wait you mean THE BENNINGTON family? Those who are on top of the royal list directly after Jonathan Gouthered?!<< Aurora screamed in surprise.

>>Why do you need her? What kind of magic does she even have?<< I asked him.

>>I don't know the exact details about her magic but according to my informant, she has a really destructive one.<< He explained as he showed us a picture of her.

>>Don't tell me, that this little girl has such a fearsome magic type. She looks like a fucking Disney princess, who waits for her prince to marry her!<< Nova raised an eyebrow, like she always does when she has doubts about something. Before our boss could react furious again Aurora changed the topic fast.

>>So, when shall we start?!<<

>>Tonight!<< The boss claimed as all three of us looked at him with an irritating sight. Aurora was the first one to speak.

>>Why so sudden? There isn't much time to come up with a plan! How are we supposed to kidnap the girl if we haven't even one information about her! She also has a destructive magic power! She might kill us if something goes wrong!<<

>>All the information you need is in this folder.<< The boss tapped on the black folder. >>Come up with a plan in about two hours. We must work fast otherwise it will be too late for us to strike back!<< With those last words he left the room. Well talk about mood change. He usually doesn't react like this so it must be something urgent. I sighted and went up to the table. I took the picture and looked at the girl again. She . Her skin looked so soft and pure. Even her green cat eyes were shining throughout the photo. It will be easy to kidnap her. She probably will just faint by my frightened appearance. However, I still got the feeling that there was more to this girl than our boss actually told us.

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