Chapter 3

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Cidalia's POV

When I came by, I lied on the floor in my room. What happened? I asked myself and tried to get up. My sight was blurry, and my mind completely whipped out. What's going on? Slowly I got up and looked around. My room was still dark due to the closed curtains which prevented the sunlight from shining in. Still a bit dizzy I examined my body. I still wore the white rose dress, my hair was ruffled, and the elaborateness hairstyle was completely ruined. But apart from that I had no injuries which left me quite relived. It would not have been the first time that this happened to me.

I tried to focus on my memories to get a hint what happened to me. I saw myself again in the sunroom. Surrounded by so many people. That is right the party! I saw Jonathan standing right in front of me holding a little box with a diamond ring. After his question I passed out. Someone must have dragged me back into my room and threw me onto the floor. Due to my reaction, I completely understand their bad treatment towards me. I deserved it after the way I ashamed my family and Jonathan. Oh no what have I done! The governor will be furious. I embarrassed him in front of so many people. Why did I not say yes and went through it with a fake smile on my face, like I always did. I panicked and tried to find a solution before things got even worse. That was when my door opened forcefully and my parents came in, followed by Jonathan.

>>Father I am so terribly sorry, please forgive me. I cannot find the words to apologize for my action.<< I rushed over to him. That was when he slapped my face. I felt down to the floor and held my right cheek. Tears were filling my eyes when I looked up to him. His green eyes were full of anger and hatred, and beads of sweat stood on his forehead. The situation and embarrassment must have worn him out.

>>How can you just stand here so casually and ask for forgiveness after what you have done to your family!<< The floor vibrated due to his extreme loud voice. I looked at my mum to hope to get some help from her, but she ignored my teared-up face and looked down on the floor. How could she do this to me; could she not stand up for me, just this one time? Not for her own daughter?!

>>You can be lucky that Jonathan came up with a good excuse for you. Be thankful to your future husband. He is mature, handsome, and thoughtful; he is way too good for you!<< The governor came closer to me. I was still lying on the floor; too scared to stand up again. He kicked me with full force in my stomach. I gasped and warped my arms around it. The pain was sensible through my whole body. Tears were flowing down my cheeks, but I did not make any kind of sound. The fear of him getting even angrier at me, let me stay quiet and I endured the situation.

>>Do not think that this whole conversation is over. Tomorrow you will make a public excuse for your actions and tell everyone how happy you are about this engagement! The public meaning is important for us, and you know that! So do not ruin it this time! The engagement between you and Jonathan will be all over the news and a great chance for me and Jonathan to get more public influence. If anything will happen again, I swear you will regret it! Remember you are worth nothing! If you would not have your beauty, I had no application for you!<<

With those last words he turned around and walked out of the room. My mother looked at me with disgrace and disappointment. Without saying a thing, she followed behind the governor. I still sat on the floor. Shivering and crying while trying to not make another noise. There were a lot of situations when the governor was angry with me. I always endured the situation because I was too scared to stand up for myself. All the pain, the violation, the insults... I suffered because I knew what would have happened to me if I did not act the way the governor expected it. Silently I cried out all the pain I felt right now, when suddenly a cold hand grabbed my cheeks and pulled my face closer to his one.

>>You know crying makes you ugly!<< Jonathan whispered into my ear. He kneeled before me while looking at me with a demanded smirk. >>You should not destroy the only thing you are good at!<< His fingers went over my skin, feeling every part of my body. >>You are a real beauty, your light and marvelous skin, which is so soft and even. That gold-blond shining hair which frames your perfectly round and symmetric face...<< He pulled my face closer to his that I could feel his breath by every word he said. >>Those smaragd green eyes which I cannot seem to look away from... and then these light pink and full lips which I would love to feel just once.<< His breathy voice made me shiver; he was so demanding. I did not want to hear anything like this. Every time he touched me my body twitched again. I wanted him to stop but my body did not listen to my thoughts; it was paralyzed. I just had to sat by and let the man do to me what he pleased. His disgusted smirk was all over his face while he touched my breasts. I felt like being raped only by his finger wandering over my pure skin. I could already feel his satisfaction he gained from the power he had over me. Since he had not had enough, he reached for my face again and pulled me in for a kiss. It had to be only for a few seconds but for me it felt like the longest time in my life. Warm tears ran down my cheeks. When he finally broke the kiss, he leaned forward and bit into my ear. I shrieked and felt warm blood flowing down my ear and chin.

>>Look forward to our wedding night!<< He whispered with a sensual voice. >>I am not done with your body yet! I will explore every inch of it!<< With those words he stood up, liked over his lips to wash my blood away and walked towards the room door. Before he got out, he turned one last time around and looked towards my direction. >>You are by far the best trophy I could ever receive in my life. Remember you can have a great time with me if you behave the way I expect it from you, or you will be sorry for even being born in this world!<< He slammed the door behind him, leaving me alone in my dark room. I was totally shocked. How could he say such things? He is just a horrible person! The whole time my tears would not stop. I just kept sitting on the floor screaming my soul out. 

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