Chapter 17

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Cidalia's POV

I woke up to the bright sun shining into the room. It was a warm and gentle light which let you already think that this day would be another perfect day in life. I smiled brightly when I got up from the coach and stretched myself. After everything that happened, I would never have expected that my life could actually change to the better. But now here I am. Having fun with my friends and living my life finally in freedom, far away from my so-called family. Aurora, Nova and Zen were still sleeping soundlessly on the living room coaches as I walked down the hall into the kitchen. I filled a glass of water and started to make coffee for the others. I think I will never come to terms with this brown liquid. But well when my friends love it, I will have to at least tolerate it. As the coffee brewed up, I was about to start making breakfast when suddenly a hand clasped around my mouth.

>>You really have some nerves, living so carefree during the day as if everything was fine while your parents and I are worrying sick about you!<< A dark voice roared inside my ears. All the happiness I felt a few seconds ago vanished in an instant as I heard HIS voice. How did he even find me? Why was he here? How did this even happen?!

I wanted to scream, shout at him, beat him up or just use my magic on him but my body betrayed me. I was motionless and I knew the second he spoke to me that I had lost this fight. >>So did the small strength you build up last time already vanish?<< He sneered. >>And here I thought you finally got some courage, but I guess you'll always be the helpless little girl you've always been.<< His hand left my mouth and traced over my shoulders and chest. I was shaking like the leaves in the wind as tears streamed down my face and yet I wasn't able to make a move or sound. It was as if Jonathan's appearance was able to paralyze my whole body making me the dirigible doll, I always was to him.

>>HEY WHAT IS GOING ON!<< I heard Nova's voice scream. >>LET GO OF ME!<<

>>ZEN; NOVA!<< Aurora screamed in panic. I heard crashing noises and obviously fighting coming from the other room. I wanted to run over; to get away of this situation and be able to help my friends but I couldn't. Jonathan didn't even hold me or silenced me and yet I wasn't able to do something. I wanted to scream, to run, just to do something to stop this madness and yet I did nothing... All I did, was staying next to the person I despised and feared the most and yet I didn't have the strength to run away from him.




>>STOP IT!<<

The screaming voices of my friends felt like stiches in my heart. I heard how they were arrest right next doors and here I stood soundless while doing nothing to stop this situation.

>>Wow a great friend you are!<< Jonathan laughed, twisting the knife even deeper in the wound. Tears flew down my cheeks as I heard the terrible screams of my friends. He was right... I really am a terrible friend... >>Your journey ends here and now but let me tell you this; your punishment will be even greater than theirs will be... but I promise, if you be obedient from now on, you might get your old life back! Isn't that great!<< He grinned as he whipped away the tears I shed. There was so much I wanted to scream at his face, but I just couldn't. It was as if a fight between my heart and brain broke out trying to get the upper hand over my body. The heart wanted to finally break free off this hellhole and get those happy days back, but my brain knew that it was over. I lost the fight and if I was true to myself, I always knew that this day would come. I was helpless against my past and there was no escaping it. I might have gotten away from it for a couple of days, but it was only a matter of time when it all fired back, and this time it was harder than ever. I lost and now I just had to live with the consequences. Funny how the night before, I thought that I actually had a happy future, dreams and plans and now everything we worked for was crushed in an instant.

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