Chapter 7

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Zen's POV

It was now three days ago since we kidnapped the girl. Her disappearance was all over the news. The whole city searched for her, but no one seemed to find her. I smirked. Of course not! No one would find her in our hideout! Her parents gave a lot of interviews, begging the kidnappers to bring her beloved daughter back. Her fiancé also declared war to everyone who was involved with her disappearance. To me it was obvious that those people just made a show out of it. They just wanted to gain more public acceptance and popularity! How I hate the royal class! They think so high of themselves and act like they are the world's greatest heroes because of their charity work. But guess what... they are NOT!

All those people have so much money, that they could end all poverty around the world and yet they just do a minimum of work to get a good reputation and be praised by everyone. Sometimes I don't understand the stupidness of our society... Can't they see that those people aren't the heroes, they see in them?! Why are they just following the rules without questioning them or fighting back? I swore to my parents that I will get revenge on this fucking system and change the world to the better without classes, without exploiting people and without killing innocent enchanters who were declared guilty just because they are dangerous in the eyes of the royal class!

>>Hey Zen, how was your morning?! Is the girl doing alright?<< Aurora's voice woke me up from my thoughts. I looked over to the two girls who were carrying two bags inside the kitchen. Immediately I jumped up from the sofa and helped them to put the stuff away.

>>I think so.<< I muttered while opening the fridge to put in some milk and eggs. The truth is I hadn't spoken nearly a word with her since we kidnapped her. She was still frightened to death and even if Waize allowed her to leave her room she didn't come out once. She only left it, when she used the toilet next to her room but to me it seems that she even tried to avoid it as well. She hadn't even showered since we brought her here nor changed her outfit.

>>I'm really worried about her...<< Answered Nova with a sad expression. Yesterday I tried to talk to her a bit, but she was avoiding my face completely. She also limits here food to the vegetables and fruits. I don't think she can keep this up for so much longer.<<

>>Then just force her to eat the other stuff! I don't want to be the one that Waize yells at, because she dies out of malnutrition! She is our prisoner so we can do with her what we want!<<

>>Hey Zen, don't you think that this is a bit harsh?! She is a living, innocent person. Don't treat her like this she has feelings and is scared because she misses her family and doesn't know what will happen next!<< With angry eyes Nova stared at me.

>>I don't know why Waize needs her anyway, she is dangerous with this kind of magic, and I don't wanna die because she loses focus again. Also, we can fight in this revolution without her, so just let her get back to the place she belongs!<< I grumped.

>>You know we can't do this, so let's try to make her feel a bit more comfortable!<< Nova stated while she cleared away the last grocery.

>>If you think that this will work try it; but I won't hesitate if she harms only one of you!<< I'll definitely won't let another royal enchanter kill my family again!

Cidalia's POV

I was sitting in the dark. I had no idea how long I was here, nor what was going to happen to me. Since the incident with my uncle, I had not seen the others many times. There was this one cute girl with two buns who tried to get me into a conversation, but I was too afraid of her. I also did not want to make any circumstances since there was still a high change that the governor was behind all of this. I tried my best to be the dirigible doll everyone expected from me. I just ate and drank when I needed to. Apart from that I did nothing and waited for the situation to change like I was used too. Suddenly the door opened, and I wished that the governor or HIM finally showed up to end my punishment, but there was none of them. It was the happy and cheerful girl which entered my room with a bright smile.

>>Hey there!<< She smiled and placed the food and a glass of water on the table. >>Are you feeling alright?<< I did not answer. >>I was just wondering if you might want to have a bath or something else? Maybe new clothes... I have a lot in my room...<< I kept my eyes on the sheets of my bed. >>Well not that I want to offend you, but you smell a bit and I'm sure you feel better after a nice warm shower.<< Her voice sounded more awkwardly with every word she spoke. I think she was uncertain by my atypical behavior.. >>I see... you still don't want to talk to me...<< She answered with a sad tone. >>Well I can't blame you for that... I think I would have acted the same if I were in your situation!<< She laughed awkwardly. >>But I still got you something... Since you happened to just stare at the naked walls, I thought you will have fun reading this story! It is my favorite book after all and maybe you will love it just as much as I do.<<

This made me curious, and I lifted my head to look into her dark blue eyes. They smiled at me brightly and I felt a weird sensation inside me, which I never felt before. Hesitantly, I grasped the book and carefully took it from her hands. It had a brown cover with golden ornaments. It looked a bit like the old runes I used to study in my prison called home. Since I had a lot of free time, I begged the maids to gather all the books we had in our library and studied every one of them. Most of it were old lyrics from ancient times in different languages. I also read a lot of history books, myths and legends of different times and countries. But this book was different... it wasn't a study book. It was a novel! I blanked a few times at the description on the back. It was a story of a girl who fought in a war with her best friend.

>>Thanks...<< I whispered quietly and opened the first page.

>>You're welcome!<< She smiled brightly again and walked up to the door but before she left, she turned around for one more time. >>Ah and please don't forget to eat... You should stay healthy while you're here!<< Silently she closed the door while I lost myself completely in the book.

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