Chapter 12

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Cidalia's POV

It was still dark when my eyes flattered open. I was used to this kind of dark but still sometimes I dreamed about waking up by the warm red light of the sun. My thoughts were broken by the sound of the doorknob. A small light beam brightened up the room. In the door stood a female figure. She turned on the lights and looked straight at me. Immediately I threw the blanket over my head to avoid the bright light which slightly hurt my eyes.

>>I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up like this...<< She spoke in a calm and gentle voice. The light dimed down a bit. Carefully I put the blanket down again and looked up only to be met with dark blue eyes. I had the feeling that I looked right into the ocean when I looked into her eyes. They made me feel so relaxed. Nova handed me a small cup of tea with her usual big smile. >>Here you go... It will calm down your nerves after everything that happened...<<

A bit irritated but also thankful I grabbed the cup with my hands. The first small sip was amazing. The flavor was delicious; so fresh and warm. It turned my whole body into new shape and a small smile appeared on my lips. >>Thank you!<< I smiled but instead of a returning smile, Nova's appearance changed. Her happy look disappeared, her eyes became kinda dark and she fidgeted around a bit. It made me kind of nervous to see her like this... Did I do something wrong?

>>Cera listen... I... I'm truly sorry...<< She bowed down with teary eyes. >>I didn't know anything of this... I... I always thought you were so frightened because of us and that you missed your family! I never wanted to insult you or speak of your life as if I knew how it was. The truth is I just assumed that your life would be perfect like all those lives of the beautiful princesses in a castle but now I knew I was wrong! Please forgive me.<< Nova's whimpering turned into loud screaming and crying. I was completely overwhelmed by her action and felt kinda lost in the situation. What am I supposed to do? >>I'm so sorry! And please don't hate me! You are my friend and I want to keep it that way so PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!<<

I lost myself in her chatter but there was this one word which brought me back. This one word which made me and I looked at her crying appearance in shock. >>F-friend?!...<< I stuttered and looked into her teary blue eyes. Nova finally stopped her crying and looked towards me.

>>Of course, you are my friend!<< She sniffled and wiped away her tears from her cheeks. >>Why are you surprised about it? Well, we might have kidnapped you but that doesn't mean that we can't become friends! And I consider you as my friend!<< Her bright smile appeared again, and she sat down on my bed next to me. >>Well do you consider me as your friend?<< She asked still smiling.

>>You know... I never had any friends, so I just read about them in my books... It always seemed nice to have someone whom you can talk too or go on adventures and have fun...<< I answered while facing the bed sheets. >>I do not have any experience in how to treat a friend... but I really want to try... So, will you help me in becoming your friend?<< I looked up into her eyes and saw a small light sparkling inside them. She nodded and trapped me in a tight hug. It felt so warm, and I did not know why, but my body loved this feeling. She was about to break apart when I wrapped my arms around her small figure and kept her in place.

>>Can you just stay here for a while... I ... I do not want to be by myself right now...<< I did not know why I said this. I was used to the feeling of loneliness. Actually, I had been alone my whole life, so why did it bother me now?! I never would have thought of my body to react this way, but it seemed that it was screaming for this kind of attention for years and finally, it was gifted with this pleasant feeling.

Without any hesitation she wrapped her arms around me and smiled into the hug. >>Sure...<< She whispered nearly inaudible. I was completely overwhelmed by her action... She really did it! No one had EVER, in my whole life, listened to my wishes and pleadings. Normally everyone ignored my quests but not this girl. She and her two friends were the nicest people I had ever met in my life, who treated me like one of their own. For a while we just sat on my bed in complete silence, but it was none of those uncomfortable silences, it was a relaxing and comfortable one.

>>I am sorry...<< I apologized while still staying in the warm embrace. >>I am sorry for all the trouble I caused you and your friends. I know that all of you are afraid of my magic, and you probably just want me to leave if my dumb uncle did not need me for a reason...<< She did not respond but her hug tightened to symbolize me that I was save with her. >>I fear this magic as well... I had never been able to control it and actually I do not even know what kind of magic it is. I tried to do some research, but it seemed as if this magic is a rare and special type. I am sure my uncle wants to use it for something. It would not be surprising if he did. My whole life I had been used by my parents, my fiancé and everyone around me, so why should there be someone different. I do not know why I am telling you all of this, but you were the only person who listened to my pleads. You snapped me out of my terrible thoughts and stayed by my side. You even called me your friend! I just feel so relaxed when you are around, and it feels like I can tell you everything. My rational mind tells me that this is all wrong and I should not even talk to my kidnappers like this... but my heart tells me that all of you are not bad people. You were even more of a family towards me in those two days than my own parents in my whole life. I just feel happy, and I never thought I could ever accomplish this kind of feeling... The words I said before... about my family... They were true... I never had a life. Well, I was surviving but not living. My life had been a terrible nightmare so far... I do not blame you for believing that I had the perfect life! In all the reports my life sounds so marvelous, just like a fairytale of the beautiful princess who gets everything she wants and was loved by all the people around her...<< I took a deep breath. >>IT'S A LIE! I had never lived a happy life. After I was born, I already had the magic within me and could use it. My father locked me up in my champers, kept me away from the outside so that no one would ever find out about this destructive magic. My mother was so afraid of me that she abounded me and never looked into my eyes again. She always glared at me with this ice-cold expression. She even tried to convince my father that he should kick me out of the family and throw me on the streets just like garbage. But he had other plans for me since the rumors started. The public was confused about the fact, that the Bennington family got a child, but no one saw it. A lot of rumors were spread across the country. They said something like: The girl is too beautiful to be seen by the public. Or Everyone says she is an angel fallen from heaven to bless the Bennington family for their good deeds!

My father used those rumors to make some kind of mystery out of it and gain more publicity. Soon everyone spoke about the beautiful Bennington angel, which was also known as White Lily - The Bennington Princess. My father had finally found the perfect use for me. He trapped me inside my room to maintain the rumors and hide my magic powers. I was not allowed to leave my room without his permission. Even the curtains where closed all the times to prevent me from seeing the outside world. The only contact I had to other people were my maids who barely talked to me. When I turned 5 years old, I was promised to the most important man in the city... Jonathan Goatherd. My father and him were always good friends and both sought for power and social support. They did everything to look good towards the public. And that was when I came in handy. They could strengthen their public status and reputation by making this kind of contract. The perfectly made-up team: the famous benefactor, who built hospitals and schools for the city to gain trust and support by the normal society, and the hero who saved countless lives in the past few years and rescued us from the terrible enchanters who tried to overthrow the public system for their own selfish deeds. And on top of that, they are guarded by the lovely angel which looks like a beautiful white flower... Everyone would be happy... apart from me. My whole existence I just lived as a doll which was good enough to stay in public because of her stunning look but nothing more. I had to obey every order which was given to me, otherwise my father or Jonathan would abuse me. They beat me up several times, insult me, imprisoned me and...<< I broke out in tears; everything came back to me. All those years of torture, all those times I sat in my champers, wishing to live a life on my own and be finally free. Everything was crushed by two people who wanted to gain power. I buried my face inside my hands. All the pain came back to me but now I did not suppress it, like I usually did. I let my tears fell and for the first time in my life; I let someone see my true emotions. Nova did not say a word she just held me tight in her arms, but I never felt better. 

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