Chapter 10

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Cidalia's POV

>>Hey, I brought you a towel and new cloths. I placed them next to the sink. I'll wait outside if you need some help!<< I heard the small girl talking from outside the shower. It felt different taking a shower without my maids. I felt alone; but also, free. What was this feeling? When I came out of the shower, I saw myself in the mirror. The bruise on my left flank was still visible after three days but it did not hurt any more. I touched it and flinched back due to the pain. Well maybe it hurts a little... I looked at the cloths and started to get changed. I wore black shorts, black tights underneath and an oversized white top. I tightened it with a black belt around my waist which had a half moon symbol on it. A turquois long jacket, boots and black fingerless gloves rounded up my outfit. The new cloths were comfortable. It was the first time, that I ever wore something else than my princess dresses. I always hated the long, fluffy, uncomfortable dresses, which were not suited to walk around properly. Those cloths were different. I felt so much more like myself, and it frightened me because I never knew who I really was... My eyes started to fill up with tears.

>>Are you finished?<< I heard the girl from outside questioning me. Fast I wiped away my tears and walked outside the door. >>Wow you look gorgeous!<< The small girl cheered. >>Does it fit?!<<

I nodded. >>Thanks, they are comfortable...<< Her mood brightened even more when she heard my answer.

>>That's great but something is still bothering me... I know your hair!!!<< I looked at her in confusion and stroke my long blond hair. It was straight and went down to my knees. I always hated the length it was annoying, and I rather had some shorter hair, but the governor did not allow me to cut them down.

>>Are you ok with it if I cut them down a bit?! I think this length must be annoying and you would look better with a different hair style!<< Before I could answer she grabbed my wrist and dragged me into her room. It was a light orange one with a lot of photos of beautiful landscape, cities, forests, and mountains. While the small girl searched for some brushes, scissors, and other hair products, I took a closer look at the photos and posters. It looked amazing!

>>You like them?<< I turned around and saw at the girl's smiling face. I nodded and turned back to the photos. >>You know these are places I want to visit one day. They are all around the world and it's my biggest dream to earn enough money that I can finally visit every place.<< She smiled again before symbolizing me to sit down on her bed. I obeyed and let her start to fix up my hair. She began to comb it and I never felt more relaxed than right now. Normally my maids did my hair, and it was always a real torture. They ripped and wrenched my hair until it had its perfect shape. But right now, this girl combed my hair with so much patient and gentleness. >>By the way I think I never told you my name. I'm Nova.<<

>>My name is Cidalia... Cidalia Emelin Rientina Astreya Bennington...<< I mumbled.

>> Wow that's a long name... Can I call you Cera instead?<<

>>Pardon me?<<

>>Well you see 'Cera' are the initials of your names without your surname, but the B doesn't really fit in... Well, I can call you Cidalia if you prefer this one more...<<

>>No!<< I interrupted her harshly and made her flinch back a bit. >>I mean... I like the name Cera... It reminds me of the book... The main character also had a nickname.<< She smiled at my comment before she continued. While Nova was doing my hair, we talked a lot about the book and the different characters. I never felt so happy about talking with someone. Usually, I minimize my conversation to the main point and speak only if it was necessary. But with Nova I had the feeling that time stopped when we talked with each other. There was so much mutual understanding and love behind her words. She was not nice to me because she knew my father or wanted something from me; no that was not her point. She was nice to me because she liked me for myself and wanted to get the real me to know better. I finally felt accepted by her, and I wished that the feeling I felt right now would not end.

>>Ok I'm finished!<< She handed me a small mirror and showed me her finally work. I had side bangs and my hair only reached a bit over my chest. She bun it into a ponytail with a black ribbon. >>You like it?<< I nodded and looked back into the mirror. I really did not recognize myself anymore.

>>Well we probably should head back down to the others!<< Nova stood up from her bed and walked towards her door. I slowly followed her. When we walked down the stairs the blue-haired women and the man looked up at us.

>>There you are!<< The woman called out. >>Dinner is nearly ready!<< When both saw me, their eyes widened in shock. I got quite nervous... do I look bad? Normally I do not care what people think of me, I was used to stares. Usually, people are always stunned about my appearance but that was my princess look... I know I should not worry but for some reason I wanted to look good in their eyes. Maybe it was because I finally felt like myself and not a doll anymore.

>>And what do you guys think?! I fixed her up a bit. I think now Cera fits more in with us!<< Nova cheered and laid her arm around my shoulder. I looked towards the ground completely embarrassed.

>>It really suits you but are you all right with wearing something like this rather than your Princess dresses?!<< The woman walked up to me and greeted me with a warm smile. I just nodded and looked away. >>We might have had a bad start but let me change that. I'm Aurora!<< Before she could continue, I heard a noise suddenly appearing from the kitchen. >>Oh, the food is ready. Nova, please help me with it!<< Both girls ran into the kitchen and let my alone in the room with the brown-haired man. I looked at him a bit embarrassed.

>>Hey Princess!<< He scoffed. >>Come here!<< I obeyed his orders and walked up to him. He carefully grabbed my wrists and chained me with the handcuffs again. >>I'm sorry it's just for our safety.<< He mumbled before letting go of me again. I just nodded and looked into his ruby red eyes. So beautiful. I thought but already shook those thoughts away from me. For a while we just looked into each other's eyes. I wanted to say something but was not quite sure what I should talk about. My face burned up and I could feel that I was already bright red, but I could not look way from those amazing eyes.

>>Hey, you guys the food is ready!<< Nova interrupted us. I flinched back and lowered my sight completely embarrassed. Without blinking in his eyes again I sat down quietly and stared at my food. While the others already began to eat, I looked towards the weird triangular piece in front of me. What kind of food is this?

>>Hey Cera, aren't you hungry you haven't really eaten the last few days? You must be starving by now...<< Aurora said worriedly and looked towards me.

>>I am sorry... I have never eaten something like this before...<< I mumbled quietly.

>>REALLY!<< All three of them looked at me in shock.

>>Try it, it tastes really good!<< The sweet and warm smile of Aurora gave me new strength. I knew the governor would have never allowed me to eat something like this, but I do not want to be his puppet anymore. Carefully and still shivering I grabbed the slice of pizza with my pure hands and took a bite.

Immediately my face lighted up as all those different flavors combined in my mouth together, creating an incredible taste. Tears fell down my cheeks while I started to bolt the food. I never felt so good in my entire life; the warm and delicious food filled up my belly with an amazing feeling. I felt warm, welcomed, satisfied and full for the first time in my life. Normally I just got some cold vegetables and sometimes some fruits to eat but since it was always the same, I lost the taste of those meals. They always tasted the same and were just good enough for filling my stomach and nothing more.

I looked up from myfood again and saw at the smiling faces of the others. This time I smiled back.It was a real smile which symbolized my true happy feeling. This time I reallymeant it and it was the first happy smile I had in my whole life...

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