Chapter 16

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Zen's POV

For the next four hours Aurora and I walked around the woods to get all the materials we needed for the upcoming weeks. Unfortunately, we didn't find as many supplies as we needed, to help us with our food problem but at least we found a river half an hour walk away from the house. If we could build a few fishing rods and nets we might be able to catch fish.

>>You think that we will be alright?<< Aurora asked after we made it back.

>>Don't worry. I think we will be save for the upcoming month. We will have to make new plans when we must hide for a longer time. I will try to contact Waize tonight to ask him about the upcoming plans. Until then don't let words spread to Nova and Cera. I don't want to worry them...<<

>>It's cute how you care for them. Especially Cera. You seem quite fond of her.<< Aurora smiled at me.

I just rolled my eyes at her comment and left it unanswered. Maybe she was right about it but that wasn't all there was to it. I actually care about all of them. They were like family to me. And I swore I will protect my family!

The rest of the night proceeded uneventful. After our dinner we decided to play some games and have a sleep over in the living room. I was glad to see the others laugh after those harsh days. It actually felt like we could really live a normal and happy life. But what surprised me the most was Cera's carefree mood. She finally opened up to us and I think I never saw her as happy as she was at this moment. Her smile nearly stayed on her face the whole evening and I couldn't get enough of her small silent laugh which sounded so pure and refreshing every time she made the adorable sound. How come that this broken girl who was tormented for years has such an innocent and beautiful laugh that you get the feeling that everything in life will be fine. It really was a mystery to me.

As I came back from the bathroom, I noticed that the backyard door was opened slightly. My gaze wandered over Nova's and Aurora's sleeping body as I noticed that Cera wasn't there. Silently I stepped outside and found Cera lying on the ground while staring up at the clear night sky. I smiled at the appearance as I lied next to her without saying a word.

>>Don't you think the night is beautiful?<< Cera started to talk after a while. I really was surprised that she was the one who wanted to start a conversation since she normally wasn't a talkative person.

>>It really is.<< I answered with a smile before I joined her on the grass. >>Have you seen the stars before?<<

>>No not really, I just saw pictures of the star constellations in my books. But seeing them now makes me realize that we really life on a beautiful planet... I just want to believe that there is still hope for this world...<<

Her words took me by surprise. I never would have believed that she, out of all people, would say something like this. I turned my gaze towards her in admiration. Cera was still focused on the sky in front of her. Her eyes were glistering in a beautiful emerald-green color while the star light was reflected in them. She truly did look beautiful, but not because of her perfect body and the dreamy light that surrounded her; no, it was because of her hopeful and determined look which was plastered on her face. I stared at her for a couple of minutes before her voice took me by surprise.

>>Hey, can I ask you a question?<< Her voice was nothing more than a whisper and yet I heard every word loud and clear.

>>Sure, go ahead.<< I smiled, curious of her following words that would leave her mouth.

>>Since the day I was kidnapped, I had a lot of questions swirling inside my head but there is one which makes me the most curious... why are you all doing this?<< Cera surprised me with this kind of question. I knew at some point she wanted to get some answers why she was here and what purpose she served but hearing it now made me still startled because I feared her reaction when she learnt the truth. Even though we don't see ourselves as bad people, we did illegal things and were wanted by the police because we opposed the government. I knew Cera was more or less on our side; she already proofed more than enough that she held a grudge against the society, but I still didn't want to pull her into more illegal stuff than I already did. But on the other side I couldn't just leave her hanging without an answer or explanation, so I decided to finally tell her the truth.

>>Well the reason is quite simple. We joined Waize because we needed to survive.<< I started getting Cera's full attention as the first words left my mouth. >>I was only seven when my parents were killed by the royal class. Both of them worked for the upper class for decades but after they tried to stand up for a poor girl from the underclass they were immediately declared guilty and executed for going against the government. The royal family took me in to gain prestige in society. They explained that my parents had physically abused me and wanted to give me a better life. In reality, however, they used me as a free servant. I was nothing more than a slave to them and yet the society praised this family for raising a strange child and giving it a new family who finally cares for it. After one month I couldn't hear those lies anymore and ran away even if it meant that I probably would starve to death, but anything was better than living with them. I was the first one of us three who was found by Waize. He gave me food and a place to stay. In return he wanted me to join his rebellion to overthrow the government and finally change the world to the better. A year later Aurora joined after her family was killed as well. Last was Nova who was only five years when she joined. Her father killed her mother because he thought that she didn't bare him a child with magical powers. When he tried to also take Nova's life she run away and found protection in our ranks. Years later we found out that Nova actually possessed magic, it was just such a unique one that it couldn't be discovered at first sight. Well, this is how we all landed here. We didn't really had much of a choice but since all three of us felt betrayed by the society and government we swore to our lives that we wanted to chance something and finally make the world to a better place. We did steal a few things, fought against authorities, and threatened people of the government; but believe me when I tell you that it was all done for a higher reason.<<

>>It's ok Zen you don't have to justify your acts and deeds. I get why you did it and believe me if I would have had the chance, I would have done the same.<< Cera interrupted me while laying her hands on my shoulder. I was glad that we had a mutual understanding. Since the day I met her, I felt a deep connection between us, and I really wanted her to understand our actions and not see us as normal rebels just doing something out of boredom. The cause we were fighting for was bigger than all of us put together and yet I hoped we can achieve something and finally change this hell on earth. >>Zen.<< Cera called out for me. Ripping me out of my deep thoughts. Immediately I blanked into her soft face which was still filled with determination. >>Let's change this world to the better! I know those are some high notes for someone like me but those last days showed me how much fun living is. This time here was the best time of my life and I want us to live like this from every day on, without fearing the government. So let us make our wish come true!<< This girl truly was amazing, and I wish everyone has the willpower she has. I knew it was easier said than done and throwing over the government wouldn't be an easy task; but maybe for today it was fine to stay true to the dreams we had and just hope for the best...

>>Ok, let's do it!<< I answered as I smiled at her determination glistering in her eyes.

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