Chapter 9

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Zen's POV

Aurora stared at Nova with shocked eyes. >>You are kidding, right?! She hadn't really talked to us yet; she just sits on her bed with this nearly dead expression. If I'm honest I'm scared of her. And let not forget her magic. She would have killed us if Zen wouldn't have stopped her! I don't say that she is a bad person, and she probably went through a lot, but her magic is dangerous!<<

>>Aurora is right Nova! She is our prisoner! Waize needs her for something so just let him handle her and we stay out of it! Furthermore, I don't even think that she wants to join us. In her eyes we are just her kidnappers who took her from her perfect life. She just wants to go back to her family and fiancé. She is this kind of person who sees us as scums. In her eyes we are not worth it to talk to her, that's why she is not answering any questions!<<

>>That's not true! I can sense it in her eyes she isn't what we think she would be! She is a fragile girl who needs love, warmth, and comfort. Maybe she will open up if she gets to know us better! Come on Zen. I'm sure she isn't as bad as you think. I just want to light up her mood! She always seems so sad, and I don't think that this expression just comes because she is trapped in here. Please Zen...Please, if you don't want to do it for her, then do it for me!<< Nova pleaded. Her big puppy eyes were so annoying, but I was always too weak to say no to those eyes. I was kinda confused why she was so concerned about the girl's condition. We didn't know anything about her. We didn't even know her name!

Before I could answer Nova, I heard small steps coming from the stairs. Immediately I turned around and my eyes felt instantly on the small fragile girl. She looked more dead than alive. How could she even walk with those weak legs?! Her body trembled in fear while she was facing the floor. I hadn't seen into her green, emerald eyes since the incident at her mansion. I actually wanted to see them again. They were quite beautiful and shining like diamonds in the sun... Wait what am I thinking?! I shook my head to snapped out of my thoughts.

>>What are you doing here?!<< I grumped making her flinch back a little. She looked quite cute when she's scared. STOP THIS ZEN! I thought angry about myself. Nova and Aurora looked at the poor girl standing in the room completely frightened.

>>Hey, are you, all right?!<< asked Nova and walked up to her.

>>I... I... I am sorry... I just... I ... I wanted to give... this back... to you.<< She stuttered facing the floor the whole time while she spoke.

>>Hey, don't be afraid.<< Nova smiled at her. >>And thanks for the book I hope you liked it!<<

>>Yes... I did...<< She whispered and for the first time she raised her head and smiled at Nova. It was only a short smile, but this smile took all my negative thoughts I had towards her away from me. Nova was right this girl wasn't a bad person...

>>I'm sorry... I shouldn't have come upstairs... I... I go back down again...<< She mumbled in fear and was about to leave but Nova held her back.

>>No that's alright! I'm actually glad that you finally came out. We were about to start on making pizza. Do you wanna help us? This will be fun, and we won't harm you! We are good people, so you don't have to be afraid!<< I knew what she was trying to do. Her positive attitude was her greatest strength and she always used it to cheer people up and let them feel special and welcomed.

>>That is not it...<< The girl responded. >>I am... I am not afraid of you... I am afraid of myself...<< What did she just say? Did she really meant what she said?!

>>I don't understand, why are you afraid of yourself?!<< Nova came closer to her trying to lie her hand on her right shoulder. The girl flinched back making a hurt and frightened expression. I felt sorry for her. She looked so helpless and lost, I just wanted to keep her safe and make her feel better. Why do I have this feeling all of a sudden?!

>>Please do not touch me! You get hurt... I am sorry... please just take the book and I will go back to my room. It is probably for the best. I do not want to harm anyone anymore.<< Nova finally took the book out of her hand and embraced her wrists gently.

>>Zen can I have the kyes!<< She asked with a concern expression while focusing on the girl's handcuffs.

>>WHAT? ARE YOU CRAZY!<< I screamed at her while walking closer to them.

>>No, you shouldn't open them it's too dangerous!<< The girl whined while still trembling in fear.

>>It won't be for long, but you should really get a shower and a change of clothes, after that we put them on again.<< Nova spoke in a calm voice while she waited for me to hand over the keys. I definitely was against her idea, but I knew that this girl needed a shower. Her hair was totally messy and oily, and her smell was all over the place. I sighted and took of the necklace where I secured the key.

>>Fine...<< I mumbled and placed it into Nova's hands. She smiled brightly and opened the handcuffs.

>>Zen hold on to them will ya!<< She threw the handcuffs towards me and dragged the girl upstairs.

>>She really is a kindhearted person, but maybe a bit too naïve!<< Aurora sighted while looking after the two girls. >>You know I get it why Nova wants to help her. Before she used her magic on us, she tried to warn us. She never wanted someone to get hurt. She screamed that it was dangerous and that we should leave immediately.<<

I remembered that day. It was true I still had her voice inside my head. She didn't try to break free back then, she just wanted to protect us... people she didn't even know!

>>Do you also remember her bad injurious on that day?<< Aurora continued. I nodded at her question. >>They weren't from us! She had them before we attacked her! I'm sure that she must have gone through a lot! So maybe Nova's idea isn't so bad after all...<<

>>Don't worry we will be alright! I think Nova was right and we really misunderstood the girl's behavior and intention. I'm certain that there is more to her than we see right now.<<

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