Turned to dust.

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He has disappeared, like everything else. Who else can I talk to? I'm lost. My friends have pity for me, and that’s the last thing needed. When he left...he took everything with him. But the absence of him is everywhere I look. It's like a huge hole has been punched through my chest. There's just nothing now, but I realize where I have to go, what I have to do to see him again, but there are still three more days to go back… to get him back.

“Can I come in?” spoke a girly voice from outside the tent.

“Yes” I replied.

It was Amanda, the new girl. She was wearing this cute baby pink tube top and denim shorts. Harry had a great choice in girls, I must say.

“Hi.” She smiled.

“Hello, have a seat please” I smiled back.

“I know I’m not a close friend, and I might not know much about you. But from all that I’ve heard from Harry and everyone else, you’re a really nice girl. Trust me, I mean it.” She placed her hand on mine, comforting me, “I know this must be very difficult for you, but you can’t just run away from it Iz.”

“How do you know what it’s like when you’ve never been in my place?” I replied, tears threatening to roll down.

“Well, before I came to Beacon’s High, I was really an indecent personality just like Marione. This one time I fell in love with a guy called James but this guy Scott forced me into a kiss and James saw both of us. I was flushed with guilt, shattered and completely lonely. That’s when I switched schools, and sometimes I regret my decision of letting him go because I think I should have fought for him.” She spoke almost choking on her words, “Zayn is worth fighting for, and you shouldn’t give up all your hope… I know what you did was wrong, but if you won’t do something to get him back, you’re going to make a bigger mistake, you know. I don’t expect a reply from you… but jus- just think about it once.”

Whatever she said, I knew it was right but I didn’t have the guts to face everyone and to go out. Staying for more than a week with Louis and Marione in the same tent as mine was enough of a punishment for me, I didn’t want to have any other torture.

“Having many visitors today, eh?” Niall said in a cheerful voice.

“Shut up Niall, I’m a mess right now. Leave me alone.” I said, jerking back to reality.

“Hey, hey, hey! What type of friend would I be called if I leave my best friend alone at the time of need?” He said sitting beside me.

“But I don’t need your help Niall, no one can help me” I cried, resting my head on his shoulder.

“You’re wrong Iz, and if you think that I’ll leave you here then you are wrong. I promise Izzie that you will get your love back, but before that you have to stand up for yourself. Just try to move out of this tent, try to face everyone with strength. You’re a strong girl, I know it and let everyone know that too. Don’t let Marione succeed Iz, you know this is all what she wanted.” He said getting up.

 “Niall” I said


“Thank you”

“You’re an idiot and you know it, right?” we laughed and he went away.

The days passed away, I didn’t talk to Louis at all, and as far as others were concerned, of course I had spent my time just as Niall ordered, with my friends.

At last it was the day to return. No one wanted to go back; they all had fun, mountaineering, bonfires, boating, rafting and what not. But me, I was really excited. Finally I was going back and I could see Zayn, I could meet him, apologize to him and also try to undo the mistakes that I had committed.

After the long and hectic flight and then the bus travel, we reached London. I was so happy that I could’ve sung ‘I’m coming home by Diddy’ right there, but I was still sane to do that.

“Mommy!” I shouted at the top of my lungs, “I’m home!”

Joe came running and jumped on me. I twirled around with him in my arms, no one could tell that I was going through a break up or I had recently cheated on my boyfriend with a friend.

“Mom, Izzie’s home!” Joe shouted as he was churning.

My mom ran towards me and gave us a hug. I was in high spirits and nothing could turn me off, except the door bell.

*Ding Dong*

“I’ll get it” I responded.

The moment I opened the door, my smile faded away and the delight in my eyes was replaced by tears. Can you guess who it was? You’re right, it was Zayn. He was standing there right in front of me with the stern look in his eyes. Why was he here? I thought he didn’t want to talk to me, but now he had come to my place himself.

“Zayn, come in” my mother spoke as she shuddered me back to reality. I was looking at him continuously, but he didn’t even give me one look.

“No thank you Mrs. Stevens, I just wanted to return you this recipe book that my mother borrowed from you the other day. I should leave now.” He smiled and turned around. I looked at my mother, she was worried and then I looked back at Zayn.

“WAIT!”  I hollered.

Stopping for a moment, he started to walk but I wouldn’t let this opportunity slip away so easily. As Amanda said, I was going to try for him, fight for him.

“PLEASE! Listen to me for once” I said as he halted “I want to talk to you.” I spoke confidently at his back, but as he turned around and faced me, I was at a loss of words. His eyes had that anger, and they were piercing into mine, searching for an answer to his only question ‘Why?’.

Getting no response from me, he walked away. I was standing there, completely tranquil. Everything seemed like sand, slipping from my hands. I ran after him, this was my last chance, I knew it and I wasn’t going to let it be a waste. This time I was even more determined.

“Is this who we are now, we don’t even talk?” I asked.

“What is left for me to say?” he gazed at me.

“Tell me how to fix this? I’ll try my best.”

“We didn’t have to try so hard to fix this, if it was true in first place” He was right, but I had to express my regret.

“Please forget about it, it was all a mistake, trust me. Look, all the things can’t be perfect, but some things go wrong Zayn.”

“Wrong? Like Louis? I’ve been standing on the sidelines, watching, since he got here. I can’t do this anymore. You want an apology? You want me to forgive you? Alright, here you go. I forgive you Izzie Stevens, but it’s over.”

His words were stabbing my heart, killing it a million times. It was over? Was it so easy for him to let it all go, the love, the memories, the kisses, the dates, everything? Did he forget about the day Sarah was kissing him? Did he forget about the time when I forgave him and I was still into him the same way I was, before he kissed Sarah? I know I made a mistake, but everyone deserves a second chance, for God’s sake even I gave him a second chance.

They say love is fragile, and we’re not always its best caretakers. We just muddle through and do the best we can. And then we hope this fragile thing survives, against all odds. All such hopes of mine had just turned to dust. What can I do to make it better? Nothing!

Author's Note: Hey wattpad fellas, I'm back with an update. I knew it took a lot of time but hey, isn't this one worth the wait? ;)

Anyways all you guys know the drill, don't you? Keep COTING and I'll love you forever. Please comment your suggestions and criticism, cause it would mean alot.

Oh & here's something important- I'm going to start with a new fic, so anyone up for covers can PM me.

keep smiling, & coting... ex oh ex oh.

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