Your secret isn't safe.

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That friendly date was supposed to make everything clear, not to deepen my feelings for Louis and muddle everything up.

If any other girl was stuck in my situation, she would have switched her cell off or locked herself into a room or would have made a choice till now. But I, well I was getting wasted to the fullest and the drinks were helping me to shut out the world. Dancing on every sick beat, moving every part of my body I was trying to forget everything that had happened to me last night.

I went wobbling to the bar to get myself another set of drinks but instead I landed on the floor. No, I didn’t collapse but my knees felt weak and I decided to sit down, cross legged. Funny, eh? Everyone else thought the same. A bubbly looking girl gathered me up, and took me to one of the booths, settling me down.

“Stay here and I’ll get you some water.” She politely ordered me and faded away in the crowd of sweaty dancers. Moments later she brought me a glass of water, and I felt really good after drinking it. The burning sensation in my throat, caused by the vodka shots was slowly calming down.

“Thank you.” I smiled at her and passed out. The next thing I saw was a brown ceiling. Where was I?

Sitting up, I saw a full length mirror in front of me and I realized how much of a mess I looked like. There was a side table with aspirins and a glass of water. I could still feel the head ache due to the hangover. The door creaked and a head popped out of it. “Better now?” she asked. I had seen her somewhere but couldn’t remember anything.

“Don’t stress yourself, we met in the club last night, you were drunk, I got you some water and then you passed out.” She explained the scenario from last night.


“I think I should go now.” I smiled pushing myself up from the bed. She smiled back and I picked up my phone and car keys.

“I’m Emily by the way.” She called me from behind as I was going down the stairs.

“Izzie.” I shouted and went out, hopping into my car.

I stayed there for several minutes, took in deep breaths as I was about to go back to the chaos again. Reaching home, Joe opened the door and I went straight up to my room to get my bag pack and left for school. I was being rude, again, but I had no one to talk about it, no one would have understood me but everyone would think of me as a skank. I didn’t want to ignore anyone, just wanted to pretend so that no one would force me to tell them anything. On my way to school, I fixed my hair and the makeup so that everything looked alright.

“Someone certainly had fun last night.” Marione called me from behind.

“Leave me alone Marione, I’m in no mood to get pissed off.” I groaned and walked away.

“Hey Izzie.” Louis greeted me as I entered the class, as if nothing had happened between us. I smiled back, making way to my seat beside Niall which was now taken by Ruth so I settled myself by Zayn’s side.

“How was your weekend Iz?” Zayn asked, with a warm smile.

“Weekend, hmm…” I paused to take a look at Louis who was waiting to see what I was going to answer, “It was the usual one, spent with Joe and mother. You tell me, how are you holding up?” I smiled

“Never felt better.” He winked pointing at the distance between us as I shifted away from him. Okay, that was awkward. The smile on his face dropped but the curves on Louis’ lips turned up.

These guys were going to be the death of me; I needed to friend zone both of them. Yes, this was the only idea I could think of. My brain completely froze when Zayn intertwined his fingers with mine. He was looking straight at the white board, with a little smirk on his face. Great! Every nerve in my body started to tingle and my fingers automatically fitted into his as if we were meant to be. This was it, the sign I needed. Maybe the universe was trying to tell me something, the sensation, his hands fitting in mine; the only bench available being by his side. These were no coincidences.


I had made my decision, and was going to the person I was about to reject when my cell buzzed turning my world upside down.

*I know what you did this weekend.*

My heart literally skipped a beat; I stopped breathing for almost a minute. Who was it? I started looking around to see if someone was pulling a prank over me but there was no sign. 

*Try as hard as you can, you won’t find me until I want myself to be revealed. Oh and here’s a little token of love from me.*

This text had a picture attached to it of me sitting on Louis’ lap and kissing him passionately. My life was officially over, I started trembling, and my body went numb.

*What do you want?* I replied, my fingers shivering with fear.

*I will let you know soon. Don't worry, I won't let anyone know, but your secret isn't safe with me ;)* the person replied and I turned pale. Oh boy I was doomed. Who was I supposed to tell, what was I supposed to do?

I saw Louis coming towards me, smiling. I ran up to him, tears streaming down my face. After those texts I felt something for the first time, the feeling being of disgust. A lump formed in my throat as he asked me, “What happened Iz?”

“This.” I handed him the phone. He didn’t seem shocked but was surprised a little bit. Was he the one sending me this rubbish? But how would he be the one taking pictures? Did he hire someone to spy over me?

“Who sent you this?” He question still engrossed in the text.

“If I knew, I would have ripped his face off till now.” I hurled at him.

“Why do you think that it’s a he, it can be a girl too.” He snapped up his face to see me with furrowed eyebrows.

“I just made a guess, and my mind isn’t working right now to think about such deep logics. I just need you to tell me if any of your friends knew about that dinner of ours or if you hired someone to spy on us so that later you could use these pictures to blackmail me?” I spoke everything in one breath.

“Are you insane? Why would I risk your reputation along with mine you idiot? I love you, for crying out loud.” He yelled at me, gaining some sick stares from the people passing by.

“I need to go.” I grabbed my phone from his hand. Nudging his arm with my shoulder, I walked away with a blank mind later running into Niall.

“Izzie!” he called but I ignored “IZZIE!” He yelled again making me halt by holding me from the wrist.

“Where are you going? You could have run over by a car if I hadn’t stopped you.

“I want to go home.” I cried.

“What happened?” he squeezed me into a hug, “did Zayn say anything?”

“No, no he didn’t. It’s me, I’m complicating my life. I just want to run away Niall.” I spoke, sobbing even more.

“Hey, hey, hey, calm down. Whatever it is, we’ll figure something out. Let me take you home.”

  Author's Note: So here's the new chapter! Yep, finally :D

I'm sorry for the late update but my exams have begun and I have a little less time to spend over here. And, I'm also sorry for a short chapter but I wont dissappoint my lovely readers next time. You all know the drill - c o t e <3

ex oh ex oh :* 

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