Time to stay strong.

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Even though the big giant pieces of my life were shattered on the floor, I still had some in my hands. Niall; even when everything was wrong, I still had him, Ruth and Darcy too. I just realized one of the reasons to breathe, my friends. I found myself a little confident right now. I don't know how, but after talking to these guys I found my brain calming itself down and I suddenly realized that maybe it wasn't this bad at all.

Anyways, I don't have the time to talk to myself right now as I am getting late for my volleyball practice. I went to the locker room and changed my clothes, stuffed my hair up in a bun and just shoved all the stuff in my locker. I don't know how everyone is going to react, maybe they'll be happy to see me or maybe they won't be, but whatever it is, I think I have the strength to face everyone. I just picked up a ball and started walking towards the court. Everyone stopped all their activities as they saw me coming.

Okay, maybe now I'm not that confident. I mean, they are staring at me and I don't like people staring at me. God, what do I do? I just walked my way through, facing the ground. I took a deep breath and said Hello to my team members as I finally reached there. "Oh, you're alive", Max said in a taunting way. Max was the captain of our team. What is wrong with her? She was a good friend of mine. What happened to her?

"Umm, yes, I am alive. I am standing right in front of you, aren’t I?” I said awkwardly. "Too bad you're still alive", she replied. "EXCUSE ME?” I said, not believing her words. Did she just say THAT to me?

"So, how was that guy? Was he good? By the way, what was his name? Oh, come on, Izzie Stevens, you can share it all with us", those girls said circling around me. I-I didn't know what to do. They didn't realize but their words were causing me pain. Their words were like driving a knife through my heart. “I cannot face them; I don't have the strength to do that. I want to run away.” I thought.

"What the hell are you talking about?” I said pushing my tears back. "Oh, come on, we know. You don't need to act all innocent in front of us. We know you went to that apartment to sleep with that guy on your own, hoe.” Max said. "Oh, yes and that's the reason why Zayn dumped her", another girl continued. What? Zayn told people that he dumped me because I slept with someone else? How could he? How dare he? I cannot believe this. I loved that guy and that's what he does to me. & just when all the broken pieces were fixing themselves, they broke down into even smaller pieces.

"Zayn didn't dump her, she dumped Zayn", I heard a voice. All the girls turned around to see who it really was. There stood Harry, Zayn's best friend. What the hell was he doing here? And why was he defending me? Wasn't he Zayn's best friend? But whatever, I am glad he's telling everyone the truth.

"Oh, so she dumped Zayn to sleep with some other guy. What a bitch", Max said interpreting Harry.

"Why did she dump Zayn? Well, that’s none of your business, Max. Just shut the hell up", Harry continued giving her a deathly look. "Ohh, look girls, someone else has also got a soft corner for Izzie now.” Max said giggling and all the other girls followed her. "What the hell? He doesn't have any soft corner for me. He is just telling the freaking truth, you stupid bitch", I thought to myself.

"If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say nothing at all, BITCH", Harry said practically spitting at her face which left Max in total shock. She didn't have anything to say any more so she just walked away followed by her so called “friends” and then I turned to Harry. I didn't know what to say so, I just ran back to the locker room. I banged the door. It was all empty. I just threw myself on the bench and started crying.

Why is this happening to me? What have I done? I was just trying to help Marione. I didn't know that I'd have to pay for it for the rest of my life. Noo.

As I was crying, I heard someone's footsteps, so I rubbed my hand on my face wiping all the tears. I stood up and saw Harry was standing behind me. I still didn't know what to say. “Than-Thanks for what you did there”, I said to Harry hesitatingly. “No problem. I just told them the truth”, Harry said smiling at me. My heart melted for a second but suddenly my mind started playing the flashbacks of what Zayn did to me. He broke my heart. No, no. What just happened doesn’t change a thing. Harry is Zayn’s best friend and I don’t want anything related to Zayn in my life.

Harry was just standing there smiling at me and I was lost in my own thoughts. “He didn’t mean to hurt you, Iz. He really liked you, in fact, he loved you. He loves you”, Harry continued.

“Look, I really appreciate what you did there for me, I really do but that doesn’t change anything, okay?” I said picking my stuff up. “But Iz, listen to m-” “This conversation is over, right now”, I said to Harry with the most serious look on my face.

I just walked out of that door and didn’t ever looked back to see Harry’s reaction. I really appreciate what he did but that doesn’t mean I will forget everything else that happened with me. He doesn’t know anything. He didn’t feel the pain. He didn’t suffer. I just walked straight to the school’s exit without looking at any single thing. I cannot handle this. I just want to go home. I hate this place. I hate these people. I hate all of them. I hate myself.

Thinking all this, I finally reached home. I threw my bag on the couch and went to the refrigerator to get some water.

“Hi Iz. How was your day?” my brother asked playing with his ball. “It was fine”, I said and drank the whole bottle in one go. “Hey, come on, Iz. Play with me”, he said running around me. “I don’t want to, Joe. Go away”. I was irritated by him. I want to be alone right now. Why can’t people just leave me the fuck alone? “Oh, come on, catch”, he continued throwing the ball at my face. “What the hell is your problem, Joe? I said I don’t want to play. Don’t you get that simple thing? Why can’t you people give me two minutes of silence and peace?” I yelled at him at the top of my voice. “What happened?” my mom came running to the kitchen as she heard me yell. “Nothing”, I exclaimed and ran straight to my room and banged the door with all my strength. I just shoved my face in the pillow trying to look for some comfort.

Aww, dammit. I shouldn’t have done that. Joe was just being nice to me. I should apologize, shouldn’t I? Joe, my little brother, was always there for me. He made me smile every time I wanted to cry. He was the best brother in this whole world and I am such an arse. I picked myself up and walked towards his room. I opened the door a little to see what he was doing. Thank god, he wasn’t crying. He was just sitting on his bed playing catch with his ball but his face, it didn’t seem happy at all.

“Hi Joe, still want to play?” I said entering the room. “What do you want? Get out of my room. Just go. I don’t want to play with you”, he yelled at me staring at his ball. “Oh, come on; don’t be angry at your sis. You can’t stay angry with me for long”, I tickled him. “No, go away. You are not my Iz. You are not my sister. You are some other girl I don’t like. I don’t know what caused you to change but whatever it is, I don’t like it. I want my Iz back”, he said as he was about to cry.

Is Joe telling the truth? Am I really changed? Is it my fault? Am I overreacting? Should I be stronger? But I am just scared to tell anyone what I'm really going through on the inside. I am sacred to tell anyone how I sit and cry for hours because I feel so empty inside, how I see no future for myself, how those hurtful words eat me up inside, how I don’t have the courage to stand up for myself. I feel dead, dumb, dark and bitter inside me. What should I do? What would YOU do?

Author's note: So here we are with another chapter ! Btw why aren't you guys commenting? We really need to know if you like our story or not. Do comment this time and don't forget to give us some suggestions for the upcoming chapters.

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