Louis, Drama & Camping

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Was Zayn telling me the truth? Did that girl force him or was he just making this one out? Why does everyone wants to hurt me, but it was different with those blue eyes, they were just so perfect. The ones do die for, the ones to fall deeply for. How can someone’s eyes be so calming that whenever I think about them I just don’t want to cry or stay depressed. Who was he? How did he come to know about me in just one look? That advice he gave me fitted so perfectly in every situation of my life!

There was a sudden knock on the door, “Who is it?” I asked.

“Can I come in Iz?”

“Aw Joe, why do you ask? You don’t need any kind of permission to enter my room love, come here.”

He came in and sat by my side, looking at his palms he spoke “Iz, why are you acting so weird lately? I know I’m a kid but I want to help you out. Please share your problems with me. I’m always here for you Iz.” I was amazed on hearing such mature and supportive words from him; after all he was just ten.

“Listen boo! It’s just a bad phase of my life and I promise you that I will get over with it soon. For now I just need my little teddy bear to hug me and everything else can be put on a hold for today.” He cutely wrapped his little arms around me and cuddled along. This was probably the best day in months.

Next morning I was so excited to go to school. What was happening to me? Was this excitement because of that boy or because somewhere I knew that Zayn was innocent? Whatever it was, I just wanted to share every bit of it with Niall. Putting on my clothes and a little make up I was ready to know everything.

*Come soon, I’ve been waiting for ages now” I sent a text to Niall. “Right behind you babe” he replied.

“Woah, see who’s ready for school, so early today! What’s up Iz? Do you have fever?” He grinned while placing his hand on my forehead. “Shut up you dork, can’t I be early for once in a year?” We laughed. “But seriously Iz, is everything fine?” He laughed again. “Omg Niall you’re such a creep.”

“Admit it, you’ve got stuff to tell, I can see it on your face. It’s about Zayn isn’t it?” Niall grinned while my smile faded. “Yeah, yesterday Zayn told me everything about that day, he said that the girl forced him for the kiss, do you think it’s true Niall?”

“Well, according to me Iz, I think you should be careful now because he has hurt you once, and I don’t want this to happen again, okay?” I nodded in agreement with Niall.

“I have something else to tell you Niall”

“Yeah sure, what is it?”

“After clearing things with Zayn I was coming back home, well actually running back home when I bumped into someone, his eyes were the color of the calm ocean, so pleasant and so peaceful. I couldn’t help but fall in them, and he gave me this little advice that I shouldn’t waste my tears on someone worthless and that everything will be alright.” I said while coming out of my thoughts

“Well Iz, I don’t know about the eyes because I won’t fall in them, I’m not gay you see!” He laughed “But the advice that he’s given to you is just the truth that you should know and stop being depressed babe.”

This was the best thing about having a boy best friend; you could share anything with him. I was feeling so good. I hugged him and went for school. As I was late I was rushing towards my class when I had another bump and my heart was wishing it to be ‘him’ again. “Probably you love bumping into people or is it just with me?” That cute voice said. I was so happy to see him.

“Hi, I’m Izzie” I laughed while introducing myself. “And I’m Louis, Louis the Tommo Tomlinson” he winked. The vibes around him were so positive and he was so cheeky. “So Mr. Tommo, what class do you have now? Mine’s geography” I said. “I’ve got the same class, so lets go”

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