Secrets left unrevealed.

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-Harry’s P.O.V.-

Why can’t people mind their own business? What the hell is happening to this world? Some git would say anything about anyone and all of them will start believing? I just can’t imagine this, because of an asshole; Izzie’s life has totally crashed. I want to help her, I want to help my best friend Zayn, but I feel so vulnerable at the moment. Why are the two most perfect people unhappy? This year is full of dramas and I think I have to make an attempt to stop it all. I’ve had enough of it.

Clearing out my thoughts, I decided to meet Zayn. I hadn’t seen him for a week and even today he had skipped school. I took my car and drove it towards Zayn’s house. I wouldn’t let everything fall apart this easily and this time my attempts wouldn’t be feeble as it was with Izzie.

I knocked the door and waited for someone to open. It was Zayn, he was looking like he hadn’t taken a shower since ages. He was looking horrid; he had circles around his eyes like he hadn’t slept for years and his hair were looking like those from horror movies. “Hey Haz, what brings you here?” he spoke getting me out of my thoughts. “Won’t you let me in?” I raised my eyebrow, Zayn grinned.  I went in and sat on the couch. “Do you wanna have something Harreh?” “Just a glass of water” I was gathering all my courage to speak up, I didn’t want Zayn to get hurt and neither did I want Izzie to get broken by all that was happening to her.

“So Haz, how’s everything in school? Any updates?” He handed me the glass. I gulped in the water and said “Zayn I need to tell you something” He nodded “Izzie has been going through so much pain, people won’t let her live happily”

“What should I do then? She wouldn’t talk to me, she wouldn’t even listen, I want to be with her, I want to support her but I don’t know how. All I know is that if I would go in front of her, she’ll kill me right away and that’s why I am skipping school now-a-days. I don’t want to hurt her anymore.” he shouted. “Zayn, calm down. We have to do something for her otherwise she will break down, and you don’t want that to happen right?”

Holding back the tears, Zayn stood up and said, “I will go to school tomorrow and no one, like no one would say bull crap about her from now, not when it’s all my fault” I was shocked, Zayn’s fault ? How was it possible? I knew that people didn’t know the truth about them but now I realized that even I was miles away from the ‘true’ truth.

“What did you just say, how can it be your fault?” I asked. “Just forget about it, it’s nothing” Zayn ignored “How is everyone else in the school?” I was pissed off now, “How the hell can you hide something from me? I thought I was your best friend, are you telling me everything or not?” I shouted.

“Calm down Curly.” He chuckled. How could he be so calm and care free in such a situation when Izzie needed him? I looked at him giving him an angry look, “Okay so you’re not letting me go today, right?” He took a deep breath and began “It was that day when I went to Starbucks after my basketball practice…”

-Niall’s P.O.V.-

I NEED TO BE STRONG. Everything was clear to me; everything was just perfect, everything was just right till Marione entered the scene. Our lives were so amazing. I was so happy, Izzie was so happy but she ruined it all. Why did she even come back? What does she want? She already took everything from all of us, now what is she back for? I still cannot believe the fact that she is back. She is actually back. MARIONE BLACK, the girl who destroyed my life beyond repairs is back to ruin the life of my best friend IZZIE STEVENS. Oh god, Why is this all even happening? This is not a movie; we cannot handle so much drama. Why is she back? My God, this question is driving me crazy. The little voices inside my head are whispering “Why is she back? What does she want?” Stop it, stop it right now. I will go insane. Just stop it.

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