Chapter 1: A Pact

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Chapter 1: A Pact

A young boy was standing in front of a kid who was being picked on. He was facing three kids. One had wings and could fly while the other had super long fingers. They were led by a boy with hedgehog hair and an explosion quirk. The boy with green hair was standing his ground despite not having a quirk, and he was joined by a girl who had similar hair to his.

"If you keep doing this Kaachan, I won't forgive you!" the boy said, "Just because you have a quirk doesn't mean you have the right to bully people around!!"

"Well, it looks like the quirkless deku wants to be a hero despite not having any powers," the blonde boy said, "You clearly don't know how the world works and you keep disrespecting the way things are! It's time you learned your lesson."

He then threw an explosion at the poor boy knocking him over. The girl was infuriated. She turned to the boy with wings and shot a fireball at him knocking him down. The finger kid was scared.

"You want some too?!" she asked.

The fingers boy ran away. She went back to her brother to make sure he was alright. He had a few bruises and started to sniffle a bit, knowing he was beat. The girl hugged him.

"Its ok Izuku," she said.

Izuku Midoriya is a young boy who dreamed of nothing more than being a hero. He admired heroes all around the world, but none more than All Might. He was the son of Hisashi Midoriya who was a detective who did cases with pro heroes. His mother Inko was a stay at home parent who watched over Izuku as he grew.

He couldn't wait to see what kind of quirk he got. His twin sister Izumi had a quirk that allowed her to manipulate fire. Izuku however was quirkless. His hopes of being a hero were dashed.


A few days ago he went to the doctor to see if he had developed a quirk.

He was excited to see what he was capable of.

However his hopes were dashed.

"I'm sorry but I am afraid there is no hope for him," the doctor said, "He is quirkless."

"There must be a mistake," Hisashi said.

"We've run the test a thousand times," the doctor explained, "Your son has came out with the same results. Your son will never become a true hero."

Deku has tears in his eyes.

Inko was shocked.

"You cheat," she said, "How can you build up my son's hopes and then disappoint him like this?!"

The two of them were approached by the boy whom they were defending.

"Excuse me, are you ok?" he asked.

Izuku nodded his answer without saying anything.

"Yea... uh-huh," the boy finally answered.

"I think that was cool how you stood up for me," the little boy said, "From what I heard from them, you wanna be a hero right?"

"Yea," Izuku said, "But..... I can't. Not without a quirk."

"That's the problem with the world today," the boy said, "They all think you need a quirk in order to be a hero. Well honestly the world is completely blinded by that theory."

Izuku was listening to the boy's rant with stars in his eyes. No one had ever praised him like that aside from his parents and sister.

"You don't need a quirk to be a hero, all you need is spirit, and determination, and I can tell you have both, with a mix of courage," the boy continued.

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