Chapter 21: Meeting The Teachers

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Chapter 21: Meeting the teachers

After a few days of preparation, everyone was finally ready for the internships to start. Everyone had their costumes ready.

"Make sure you're all on your best behavior," Aizawa said, "Use this time to improve on the use of your quirk."

"Yessir!" Mina said

"Speak clearly Ashido," Aizawa said, "It's 'yes sir'."

"Yes sir..." Mina said.

Momo's bus came for her internship. She walked over to Yoshito and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Good luck sweetie," she said.

"You too Mo," Yoshito said, "Hopefully you'll learn a lot of useful information!"

Izuku was thinking about the internship he's taking. He started going into a muttering state.


"Deku?" Uraraka said, "Deku? DEKU!!!"

Izuku snapped out of his muttering state and looked at Ochako.

"Oh! Sorry Uraraka! Did you need something?" Izuku asked.

"Are you ok?" Uraraka asked, "You were spacing out with your muttering."

"Oh yea.... I'm just thinking about my internship and if I'll learn anything useful."

"Come on Deku I know you'll learn something cool," Uraraka ensured him, "Whatever you learn you can adjust it to 'you know what'."

"Thanks Uraraka, I don't know what I would do without a friend like you," Izuku told her.

"No problem Deku," she said.

She then approached the broccoli boy and kissed his cheek.

"That's for luck."

Izuku blushed after this action. Uraraka then went for her bus. Izumi filmed the whole conversation. She was about to share it with a few of her friends. Izuku turned around.

"Don't even think about it," Izuku said.

"Too late little big brother!" Izumi said.

She jumped onto her train before Izuku could catch her. Izuku sighed as it went away.

"Little sisters," he said, "You can't live with em, but you can't live without em."

His bus then came for his internship. He was taking a long drive to another city. As he was driving, he was looking at ideas to improve on his costume. Izuku made his way to a building. He looked around to see who was there.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Come in come in," said a voice.

Izuku walked in and didn't see anyone.

"Hello!" Said someone from behind.

It was Mirko and she was hanging upside down.

"So you took up my offer," Miruko said, "Good for you. Name's Miruko, the bunny hero."

"yourquirkallowsyoutodothingsthatonlyabunnycanandyoureknownforyourenhancedstrengthandyoureableto...." Izuku went into his muttering state while Miruko sweat-dropped.

"Um... Kid, you're spacing out," Miriko said.

"Oh... sorry, its a habit I get from my dad," Izuku said, "So what's gonna happen?"

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