Chapter 5: Payback

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Chapter 5: Payback

Izuku may have been expelled from school, but at least he had extra time to train with One For All. One day he was heading out to the beach to work more on his Full Cowling technique. However he was stopped by a doorbell ring. Izuku went to the door and answered it. When he opened the door he saw that nobody was there.

"Um.... hello?" Izuku asked, "Is someone pulling a prank on me?"

"Down here," said a voice.

Izuku looked down to see a mouse.... Dog..... person. Izuku was confused.

"Um, can I help you?" he asked.

"Would you happen to be Izuku Midoriya?" the mouse person said.

"Um, yes sir," Izuku saaid, "Who's asking?"

"Well, I'm happy to meet you Young Midoriya, you may not know. But i'm the principal of the most prestigious school in Japan known as UA." The small animal said, "Principal Nezu at your service."

"Oh, well it's an honor sir," Izuku said, "So what brings you by exactly?"

"I have heard what happened with your old school. And I must say, as a place for education it is highly disappointing to hear what you had to go through." The principal of UA said, "Does the name Kenshiro Watanabe mean anything to you?"

"Oh yea, he was a pro hero who was given private tutoring at U.A before enrolling in the hero program!" Izuku said, "He must've had a great life."

"Well, it didn't start off that way," Principal Nezu said as he took a sip of his drink, "Back in his middle school days he suffered anxiety and depression. One student told him the world would be better off if he hanged himself in his own room. However he didn't let these things get to him, as he had a drive to be a hero."

"What does that have to do with me?" Izuku asked.

"He was originally quirkless, and was a late bloomer, just like you are right now," Principal Nezu explained, "And he was also expelled for something that was beyond his control. His parents are wealthy however they do not wish to file suit."

"What do they want then?" Izuku asked.

"To make sure that Aldera Junior High is never allowed to put another student through hard times," Principal Nezu answered, "An anonymous source told us what you went through and is currently working with us to get the school closed down for its dismissive behavior towards you and other students going through similar times."

This was good news for Inko. She wanted the students to pay for what they put her baby boy through.

"We agree to this," Izumi said, "Thosre fuckers need to pay for what they did."

"Well... I'm not usually about these kind of things but..." Izuku said.

"Izuku it's over now, they're out of your life," Hisashi said "Don't let them get away with what they did to you!"

"This would not go out in public," Principal Nezu told him, "They would never know it was you who spoke up."

"Why are you agreeing to this?" Izuku asked, "Dad, most of those teachers there are your best friends and have respect for you."

"Do you think any of that matters?" Hisashi asked, "You think that just because I'm on good terms with those people I would let them put my son through hell, and just walk off Scott Free? Don't you know that I would never let that happen? That there is nothing in the world more important to me than you?"

Izuku gave it a bit of thought before getting an answer.

"Just tell me what I need to say," Izuku said.

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