Chapter 17: Sibling vs Sibling!

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Chapter 17: Sibling vs Sibling!

After the short break, the next round began. Izuku was going up against his sister. These two were going to give it their all. Inko and Hisashi were watching their kids.

"I hope they both give it their all," Hisashi said.

"I have no doubt about it!" Inko said, "They've both trained for this."

The two Midoriya Siblings walked out into the ring and looked at each other.

"You'll get no mercy just because you're my sister," Izuku said, "I'm going all out."

Izuku let the power of OFA flow through him while Izumi had her flames at the ready.


Izumi threw a fireball at Izuku's way which he dodged by jumping to the left. He then got ready to throw a super move of his own.

"Delaware.... SMASH!!"

He flicked his thumb and middle finger emitting a gust of wind. Izumi jumped out of the way. She then countered with more fireballs throwing them at Izuku. They finally got close and started throwing a few punches and kicks at each other. Izumi grabbed Izuku by the leg and threw him overhead. Izuku landed on his arms and flipped back over.

"You're getting better at combat," Izuku said, "Looks like those lessons with dad paid off for ya."

"Well despite being a detective, he does get a bit of action," Izumi said, "Looks like All Might's been training you well with 'you know what'."

Izuku nodded.

"If this is gonna be a good match, then I need to give my all," Izuku said, "One For All Full Cowling. 15%!"

The sparks danced arund his body as he looked at his sister. Izumi had fire channeled around her legs.

"If you're gonna fight with arms, then I'm gonna fight with fists!" she said, "Let's do it Little big brother!"

Seeing that his sister wanted a challenge, Izuku decided to kick things up a notch. He went up to 20% of OFA! He then dashed at Izumi while she did the same. His arm clashed with her leg. They exchanged blow after blow, neither side backing down wanting to give it their all. Izuku managed to get the upper hand and sent a punch to her face that actually hit.

"Damn, that was a nice shot!" Izumi said, "But playtimes over!"

Izumi started shooting a few fireballs at Izuku. Izuku dodged them all using his agility boost with OFA. Izumi was channeling power for a super move.

"Let's see if you can take this," Izumi said.

"Take what?"

"This is what I learned from that Dragon Ball movie!" She said. "Prominence FLASH!!!"

She shot a big fireball at Izuku which he dodged by jumping into the air. Everyone was watching the Midoriya twins go at it and keep brawling. It was time to dish out an ultimate move of his own. He channeled ofa into his arm and started flipping as he fell. He then lunged his fist for an attack.

"L.A........ SMAAAAAAASH!!"

As he punched, a giant explosion was felt through out the stadium as a pillar of light went up to the sky. As the smoke cleared, Izumi was down for the count while Izuku stood victorious. He advanced to the next round. Izumi gave him a thumbs up, proud for her brother. Meanwhile back at home, Inko was crying. a big river of tears.

Other students were giving it their all and doing their best. It was time for Yoshito's match. He started walking up to the stage to meet up with his opponent who was Tokoyami. His quirk allowed him to manipulate his shadow and use it for combat. Yoshito wasn't afraid, but rather excited.

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