Chapter 23: Patrol!

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Chapter 23: Patrol!

Everyone had been spending a few days with their mentors during their internship. Uraraka was learning more martial arts, Izumi continued doing some sparring sessions with Torodoki and Yoshito was learning more parkour. Needless to say everyone was learning a lot from the pros about what it takes to be a hero.

Izuku was continuing his training with Miriko and was excelling at a great rate. Izuku raised his control from 10% to 25% with 30% as his maximum limit. His speed had also increased. Thanks to the training he did, his use of Full Cowling had also improved tremendously.

"Wow, I gotta say I'm impressed kid," she said.

"Thanks, but I'm only gonna get stronger," Izuku said, "All Might will be amazed when he hears about this."

"Oh he should, your quirks are so similar!" Miriko said, "And on top of that, you're more acrobatic than usual. Full Cowling must stick in you like glue!"

Izuku chuckled.

"Well, why don't we go on patrol and kick some villains ass! You have my full permission to pummel any villains to the ground!" Mirko said.

"Awesome, its gonna be great!" Izuku said with a smile.

Yoshito was continuing to work on his parkour training. He was improving by leaps and bounds. Gran Torino was no doubt impressed.

"You're doing well young man," Gran Torino said.

"Thanks old timer," Yoshito said.

Gran Torino then bonked him on the head.

"I'm only 75 years old! I'm not that old ye- MY BACK!!!" He said, "Anyway it's time to put these skills to the test. Let's go on patrol."

"Yes sir," Yoshito said, "I wonder how Momo's patrols are going."

Izumi was on the train with Todoroki and Endeavor heading to Hosu. They were about to start their very first patrol.

"This is gonna be good," Izumi said, "I finally get the chance to use my flames to do some good in this town!"

"Well you'll get your chance" endeavor said, "Are you sure you won't take the offer of being Shoto's fiancé?"

"As cute as he is, i'm already taken. Soooo, I'll pass." Izumi said.

"Besides. Having an arranged marriage with someone you barely know never works out. Just look at Aelinor and the Duke from Dragon's Dogma! Your character basically steals her from him!" Shoto said, "And that game is criminally underrated."

"The point is, now you can use your flames Shoto, I hope you make me proud," Endeavor said.

Izumi was getting annoyed with how pushy Endeavor was about Shoto using his flames.

Izuku was trying to keep up with Mirko as they went on patrol. It made Izuku have to actually push himself to go further with his quirk as she ran.

"C'mon slow poke! How are you supposed to be a hero if you're this slow?! Step it the fuck up!!!" Mirko shouted.

Miriko was right. If Izuku wanted to be a hero, he would have to kick it into high gear. Go beyond Plus Ultra!

"One For All Full Cowling, 40%!"

He started really speeding up and catching up to Miriko. The training he did was starting to pay off big time. They started seeing fire in a city.

"We must be getting close," Miriko said.

Izuku landed on the ground and saw some people running. Miruko saw a police officer ordering people to stand back.

"Pardon me, what's going on?" She asked.

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