Chapter 3: Training

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Chapter 3: Training

Yoshito rushed after Izuku, followed by Izumi. Later on, Izuku was on the way home. His dreams and ideas crushed by pro heroes of all people. As he was walking home, he saw Izumi and Yoshito chase after him.

"Don't worry about bitch arms," Yoshito said.

"Yea the bastard clearly doesn't know how to say thank you," Izumi told him with a smile, "You were brave out there."

However he also saw All Might appear before them.

"I am here to talk with the brave green haired boy!"

"Wha.... I thought you had an interview with people," Izuku said.

"I stand for justice, not sound bites!" All Might said, "Why, because I. I am All Mi..... BLAUGJAHGHHGH!!!!"

He reverted to his skinny form and coughed up blood making them all scream. Izumi and Yoshito looked at each other.



"What the hell is that?" Izumi asked.

"I think that's All Might...." Yoshito answered.

All Might noticed the two kids.

"This is a very big secret kept even from the superhuman society," he said, "I humbly ask that you keep this all a secret."

The two kids silently nodded, realizing how serious this was.

"Young man, I came here to thank you," Toshinori said turning to Izuku.

"Thank me? All I did was get in the way and ruin a job," Izuku said.

"Ignore Death Arms, he's just an idiot," Toshinori said, "He's lucky he doesn't get his license revoked after that."

"What's all the commosion?" asked someone.

The three kids turned to see Hisashi come out of the apartment building before he noticed Toshinori.

"Oh, hey All Might," he said.

"Wait... Dad, you know him?" Izuku asked.

"Know him? I worked with him on various missions," Hisashi said, "But enough about me. What's going on here?"

"I was just thanking this young man for his heroic bravery," Toshinori said, "He saved a young man from becoming sludge food."

"Ha! Looks like all of that work out techniques really paid off aye Izuku!" Hisashi said.

"Hehe yea," Izuku said.

"Anyway, may I chat with this young man in private?" All Might asked.

"Yeah, i'll give you some time together, c'mon kids! How about some ice cream! Izuku, you can join us after your private chat." Hisashi said.

As soon as they were inside, All Might turned to Izuku.

"What You did out there proved my point that you can be a hero," Toshinori told him, "Your actions touched my heart and others as well."

"I was just doing what I can sir."

"Young man. How would you like to hold a quirk?" All Might asked.

"Huh?" Izuku asked, confused.

"You don't know the secret of my quirk, but let me tell you." All Might said.

"Sir aren't you quirkless?" Izuku asked, "I read some facts on a site that you got the way you are by a lot of hard work and exercise! You're actually the inspiration that I try to be a quirkless hero."

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