Chapter Thirty

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Jayde arrived first, and the silence of the empty room ate at her. It was difficult not to imagine that someone else might walk through that door – even Aragon. But even if that didn't happen, even if Chev appeared as he'd promised, there was no telling that things would be the same as before. He didn't trust her; that much was clear. He probably understood that she was using him for information as well, and she could only hope that he didn't care. And yet, a small part of her was beginning to understand that she looked forward to seeing him, not just to hear recent news, but to see a face that had become friendly to her. He was her decision.

As the doorknob slowly turned, Jayde held her breath. She didn't exhale until Chev had closed the door and turned to her, but the look on his face caused her heart to skip a beat. His lips were set in a serious half-frown, and there was no humor in his eyes. Had he told someone what she'd been asking of him? What if he had led guards here? Derik and Kariyah would be at risk too, she realized, and that only made her heart beat faster.

Chev walked up to her, a small bundle tucked under his arm. "Why are you looking at me like that?" A small smile returned to his mouth as he slipped an arm around her. She leaned into him, pressing a kiss against his neck.

"You're the one with an odd look."

"Here." Chev pulled away to show her the bundle, tugging at the tied ends of the cloth to reveal a piece of dense, moist cake and a bottle of wine.

"What's this?" She tried to suppress the smile that came to her lips, but she was too surprised by the gesture. Was this what he was so grave about? Bringing her cake?

Chev sat with his back against the wall and held out an arm. When she had first met him, she would never have guessed how boyish his true smile seemed. It felt strange and special to know it, and he nearly looked like a different person when he wore it. Jayde sat next to him and curled into his arm, looking with anticipation at the cake. She hadn't had something so decadent in a long while, not since Aésadel had celebrated driving out the imperial forces. It was strange to think of those days as she sat with someone who on all accounts was one of her captors.

Jayde accepted the bottle that was offered to her and took a small drink of the wine. It was sweet and tasted of summer, and she took another sip before passing it back to Chev. The cake had a delicate orange flavor, and Jayde closed her eyes as she held it in her mouth.

"How is it?"

"Delicious. Why are you doing this?"

"Because I wanted to." The wary expression was back, and Jayde's smile fell.

"You're not telling me something," she whispered. Chev kept her gaze as he took another swig of the wine, and his hand curled around her shoulder.

"I gave Derik your message." He watched her carefully as he spoke the words. "He said he would make sure you could find your family again once you're free."

"Good," she breathed, sinking back into his arm. He only stared expectantly at her for a long moment, and while Jayde could feel his eyes burning into her, she knew it would be dangerous to offer any more of an explanation. Derik's words would only strengthen any suspicion he already had. "Where did you find this cake?"

Chev pressed his lips together and stared at her before shaking his head ever so slightly and handing her another piece of the cake. "I paid off Greywood's cook to give me a piece. You know..." He paused, his mouth parted, before he shook his head again and took a bite of cake. "You're different than I thought. I've...I've never known a slave like you."

"Well, you've never truly known a slave."

He smiled and shrugged. "True. But still, you're different than I thought."

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