Chapter Ten

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Almost as if exhaustion had pushed Jayde past her limits and beyond, sleep evaded her even after the events that had transpired. She lay awake in her sleeping furs and linens, staring at the dark stone wall above the heads of the sleeping slave girls. Aylah's breathing was steady behind her, and she marveled at the other woman's ability to so easily find peace in this place. How long would it take before she, too, became accustomed to her new life? She thought of Blane and Aylah's words and hoped that she would never have to find out.

"Jayde." Aylah's soft whisper broke the silence as she place a hand gently on her shoulder. "You have to sleep. Fret all you want in the morning, but if you don't rest now you could end up with the same punishments tomorrow."

At that, she shuddered and tried to close her eyes. Jayde willed herself to drift off, but found her mind constantly drifting back to the days events. Just as she would come to the brink of sleep she would imagine Chev's face and instantly be awake once again. Sighing deeply, Jayde realized that her eyes were damp. Aylah made it sound so easy. Suffering through training. Rebellion. Even sleep. But if Jayde wanted to be free of the Empire, she would first have to make her way through training without breaking herself—this feat required sleep. So much depended on her ability to clear her mind and rest. Jayde turned onto her other side, thinking that perhaps the new position would be more comfortable, only to find Aylah's eyes blinking slowly at her. The other woman propped herself on her elbow and moved her blankets beside Jayde, settling in next to her so that their legs touched through the linens.

"Come here." She wrapped an arm around Jayde and pulled her to her chest, so that her cheek rested against the newer slave's forehead. Although she had never liked to be touched, Jayde found herself relaxing into the embrace as she drifted into the first fitful night of sleep that she had had since the Empire had invaded for the second time.


Sunlight warmed her face and neck, and for a moment, Jayde imagined that she lay among the wildflowers on the hilltop where the souls of Luc and her father rested. When she finally opened her eyes and let her dreams slip away, she saw that she was still in her bedroll and linens in the sleeping quarters. Her eyes followed the cracks in the wall and lingered at the places where mortar had chipped away to reveal jagged nooks. Aylah had not woken her this morning. She sat up quickly to find the other bedrolls empty and neatly tucked away. Light voices and music stirred from the common room, and Jayde quickly folded away her blankets and stripped out of her shift. She was given only one day dress when she first arrived—a short, plain gown that she wore during training. A new, crisply folded dress now rested in her compartment on the wall, beside the freshly washed training dress. Jayde gingerly pulled it out and shook it so it unravelled to the floor. The fabric was thin linen the color of sage, with a sash of a deeper green tucked into its folds. Slipping the new gown over her head, Jayde was delighted to find that it reached slightly past her knees. She tied the sash around her waist and quickly pulled her fingers through her hair.

"Each slave is given a dress of a different color once their trainers allow them to mingle with the other girls." Maigi stood in the doorway, seemingly more erect, yet softer than usual. "I felt this color would suit you."

"Thank you, Madam." Jayde folded her hands behind her back and tilted her chin towards her chest as her mistress ventured closer.

"Chev and John reported that you reached a valuable breakthrough in your training."

She didn't know whether it was a statement or a question, so she remained passive as the older woman looked her over.

"Understand that it is a rare privilege for girls in training to receive a day off. Do not expect breaks to come easily." Maigi motioned for Jayde to follow her as she turned towards the door. "I want you to use this day to discover the opportunities available to you after training. Your life will only be painful for as long as you are willing to endure it."

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