Chapter Forty-Three

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Hello! This chapter is more intense than usual. You've been warned <3


"I don't understand the question." She thought she sounded convincing enough, but the sharp drag of the knife through her skin told her otherwise. "Please," she grit out. "Why won't you believe me?" Luc. If he found out that Greywood was Luc, he would descend upon Aésadel with an army.

Aragon's face was like stone. "Because you're a cunning bitch, but I know when you're lying."

"You're wrong."

The knife slid through again, and Jayde fought against the ties of her hands to reach for him, to push his hand away. He cut again, slashing through the cuts he'd already made until Jayde didn't bother to hold back her cries, toes curling as the pain made her muscles tighten. "What is it that you want to know?"

"Who is he?" The knife was poised, ready, and he looked at her clearly knowing that she would try to lie again. But if she flat out refused to answer the question, she would only draw him closer to the answer, just as Luther had done with her.

"Regus Greywood. He's a war hero, and he caught the eye of the emperor after avenging his dead soldiers."

"Everyone knows that," Aragon cut her off sharply. "What about his life before?"

I don't—" Before the words were even out of her mouth, he'd slit down her right leg again, drawing a jagged groan from her. She dared to look down at the blood flowing out of her, soaking into her clothes, trickling over the uneven stone floor. He was going to cut her to ribbons. Would there be a point when he chose to stop, or would he simply continue until she gave him the answer he wanted?

"Try again. You told him of your family, and I'm sure he did the same."

Jayde drew in a breath, then another, gathering her strength to meet the cold, calculating stare that was leveled at her now. "He said that he was given up as a child, to become a soldier." Would he see through her half-truth? For Luc had told her that, long ago, when he still believed himself to be someone else.

"Now, why would you hide that from me? Are you just trying to stall?"

"No," she gasped, eyeing the knife. "You're just frightening me. If I say one wrong thing you'll cut me again."

"Then don't say the wrong thing." His voice was stern, but his eyes had softened a little. He hesitated, then reached to touch her cheek and offer a slight smile. "You're not in trouble, Jayde. You can tell me what you know, and I'll forgive you for keeping it a secret."

Even if she had any desire to tell him about Luc, she knew better than to believe him. Still, the frightened, broken part of her welcomed the inviting gentleness of his touch, and she leaned into his hand. There was shelter in a gentle touch when he could so easily offer something else.

He kept his voice soft as he stroked her cheek again and drew back. "Has Greywood ever said anything treasonous against the Empire?"

She hesitated, hating how quickly she had to think about such a sensitive matter. If she said one wrong word, he would know. "He doesn't like you."

"That doesn't surprise me." He rested his forearms on her knees then, and she felt like he was looking inside of her, in the way that only he could. "Is he plotting against me?"

"I don't think so," she breathed, and measured each breath to hide her relief when he didn't slash her skin again. Aragon rested the flat of the knife against her again and stared thoughtfully at her bloody leg, then back up at her again.

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