Chapter Thirteen

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She understood now. Every day, she understood a little better, and strove to make the most out of her newfound knowledge. If she was not to be broken by them, then she must work with them. It was a dissonance that haunted her at night, made her sweat as she kicked the blankets away from her bedroll and gazed at Aylah, hoping the other woman would blink her eyes open and make Jayde a little less alone. In the morning, she always managed to push the worry, the shame, back to the confines of her head so that it wouldn't stand in the way of what she had discovered. The only way to survive was to be complicit in her own enslavement, complicit in her own torture and humiliation.

The thought had occurred to her before, had swung back and forth in her mind like a pendulum many times before—but she had so easily slipped back into her previous mindset which told her that the only strength was resistance. But resistance was meaningless here, and would remain that way until she gained any amount of agency more than she had when she was with Chev, Blane, and John. They were her keepers, and they allowed no room for resistance. At least, not when they were together.

Chev had redoubled his efforts to provoke her into getting punished, but Jayde rose to meet his challenges, leaned into his molestations while gazing up at him until he scowled at her. Upon returning back to the training room after their liaison, Jayde had discovered that the magic of the fear he held over her was suddenly gone, and now only a void existed, yet to be filled with a new understanding of their relationship. The sudden upheaval in their dynamic was something Jayde intended to use to her advantage, and she tried her best to make him notice even while the other trainers were around—extra flourishes that only he might interpret as something more, a knowing look, a lingered touch, an extra flick of her tongue against his lips. If he was perturbed by her actions he didn't show it, but Jayde kept up her efforts. At the very least, it would show that she was being an enthusiastic participant in her training, and that was something that she had come to understand as being key to her survival here.

Now, hands folded behind her back as she knelt naked before them, Jayde felt for the first time that she had an advantage that her trainers did not; she knew what they couldn't. Blane was a traitor, Chev had betrayed his oath, and John had two comrades that he knew less about than he thought. She didn't trust Blane or Chev in any capacity, but she now held a secret from each and that gave her a power that she didn't have before. The thought nearly brought a smile to her lips as Chev approached her, pushing his fingers into her mouth as she tilted her head up to meet his eye. She let her tongue brush his fingertips, taste her own body lingering on his. He stared back at her with a smooth, expressionless gaze, even as Jayde sighed around his fingers between her lips. And then, in a moment that Jayde wasn't entirely sure if she saw correctly, Chev's eyes flickered, his lids closing ever so slightly for a fraction of a second as she moved her mouth around his fingers in the same way she'd taken him into her mouth only a few days before. Slowly, Jayde took her hand from behind her back and reached up to touch his crotch, cupping her hand gently against him and realizing that he was getting hard, something she'd never known to happen among the trainers when they were on duty.

Chev pulled quickly away from her and slapped her, the saliva from his fingers inviting the coolness of the air onto her skin. He glared hard at her as John burst out laughing, and Jayde glanced up to find that even Blane's usual stoney countenance had softened. She watched Chev's face as he reigned in his anger, smoothed his features in front of her as to not overreact in front of the other trainers. To them, she was simply being bold, testing new limits by disobeying in order to please them. To Chev, she was reminding him of what they'd done, of the secret he now kept from Blane and John.

"I think she likes you, Chev," John teased, walking over to them. He patted her head like an animal before twisting his fingers into her hair to make her stand. Blane and Chev had lost some hold on her, but John's touch still made her stomach churn with fear. As he took over, Jayde reminded herself to stay enthusiastic and soft even when the things he did to her made her soul feel like it was caving in.

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