Chapter Forty-Two

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Feel free to reference those handy trigger warnings at the beginning of the book:

The next couple chapters are more intense than usual. 


As their week in the capitol drew to a close, Jayde found her heart weighing heavier, and yet beating more frantically inside her chest. Soon, the rebellion would begin in Aésadel. Soon, her people would be free. But as she stared into the night-dark curtain of her bed, Aragon's arm draped across her bare stomach, she had a drowning feeling that she would not see them again, or if she did she wouldn't see as many of them as she'd hoped. Would the Empire send forces to beat down the rebellion afterwards, or would he accept it – accept the loss of Aésadel? And would Aésadel have the support of enough allies to stand a chance at keeping its freedom? It was good that Izzara had agreed to join them; more would surely flock to their cause when they saw Aésadel rise up with her support. But would it matter, would it be enough, in the face of the Empire that had already conquered her kingdom twice? It didn't matter. If they didn't act now, they would all be slaves forever.

Aragon's fingers curled against her suddenly, and she turned her head to find him looking softly at her through sleep-heavy eyes. "Trouble sleeping again?" They seemed to go through this every night; he could sense even in the middle of the night that she didn't rest. Somehow, pulling him to her with an assuredness and gentleness that seemed so unlike him, he was always able to coax her back to sleep. Perhaps it was just the slow, steady thrum of his heartbeat pressed against her back that would eventually carry her away. But tonight as he wrapped himself around her, Jayde couldn't even manage to close her eyes. Lying awake and worrying wouldn't help her country or herself, but it was more than she could do otherwise – flitting about the Imperial palace in fine clothes and jewels, sleeping in a plush canopied bed, all while Aésadel's anger was beginning to boil over.

When she awoke in the morning, she felt the weariness of the past two weeks in her chest, in her bones, and she welcomed the steaming water of the bath as well as Aragon's silence as they prepared for the day without speaking.

"What's on your mind?" She was surprised at how gently his voice parted the silence. He tucked her damp hair behind her ear as she tightened the laces on her gown.

"I'm only tired."

He smiled softly at that and cupped her cheek, forcing her to pause and truly look at him. "That's not it." When he kissed her, she let herself curl into him, moving her lips along with his. "Are you worried about the Emperor? I told you that it was a fleeting idea; I won't give you to him."

"I..." Her mind moved too slowly from the lack of sleep. "Honestly, I'm going to miss Izzara. She's become a good friend to me."

"Hmm." It was strange to watch him measure her response, to weigh the truth of it. It wasn't how two people normally spoke to each other, but it was normal with them. "We'll see her today at dinner and you'll be able to say goodbye before we leave."

"I would like that," Jayde murmured, managing a smile as she spread her hands across the blue silk of her dress. It was their last day in the capitol, and Aragon had requested that she wear the gown while she attended his meetings with him. She had been surprised at his willingness for her to accompany him, but she'd only nodded, knowing it would give her an opportunity to better learn the men in the Emperor's inner circle. Regardless of what happened in the next few days, regardless of where she ended up – free again in Aésadel or bound forever to Aragon – it would be critical information.

Most of Aragon's meetings were irrelevant to her, information that she already knew. She suspected some amount of the information they covered was purely for the sake of bureaucracy – outlines of plans to expand the Empire, plans that had been in the works long enough for Jayde to already know all about them. But there were always details that Jayde noted and tucked away, numbers of soldiers in different locations, the movement of forces between kingdoms. But what she noticed most of all was the way the lords spoke to each other. When they addressed Izzara, the venom in many of their words was obvious. Not only was she the only woman in the room aside from Jayde and a few servants, she was the only woman who constantly spoke up throughout the meeting. She contradicted the men across from her, garnering sneers and a few quiet mutterings between other men.

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