Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Whatever you're doing, stop. He will kill you, don't you know that?"

"I don't need to hear that from you."

Though she usually appreciated when the hallways were empty, today she wished for officers and soldiers to walk by, so Chev wouldn't feel inclined to speak.

"I think you do."

"What am I supposed to do?" She stopped suddenly, reaching to take his wrist. "What is it that you think I should do differently to avoid his anger? You don't think I try to please him?" Jayde wished she could summon any strength to her voice, but Aragon had taken that from her too. The words were harsh whispers which sent pinpricks up her throat.

He was angry, though whether the anger was directed at her or Aragon, she couldn't tell. She wished his normal, sharp attitude would return. The serious look on his face only made her more fearful of her next visit with Aragon.

"I think you prod him. You push your limit – you've said so yourself."

"You don't know—"

"No, I don't know what it's like for you. But it's obvious to me what will happen if something doesn't change." He pulled her by her arm but she shook free of him.

"I don't know what to do."

"You're in too deep. I know this isn't just about Aragon. I know there is more going on with you."

"I can't accept that the rest of my life will be like this."

"Well," he gritted out, licking his lips. "If you keeping going like this, the rest of your life won't be very long." He reached for her a second time and something inside of her broke.

"Don't touch me!" The sharpness in her words made him flinch, but his hands dropped to his sides. "Please, I'm sorry, just don't touch me. And I don't want to talk anymore. You're right about everything, but that doesn't mean there is anything for me to do but bear it. I can't give him what he wants."


"Please, Chev. I'm so tired." She remembered the last time she had said those words, shortly after she had lost Luc, and the tears began before she could stop them. It was so much constant work to keep it all in, and she was too broken to try, not after last night. He was quiet as he stared at her, and there was nothing for her to do but stare back as she cried silently.

"It'll be okay." His voice was so soft, and his face so gentle, that she once again forgot who he was and where they were. It wouldn't be okay, and he knew that as well as she did. But hearing those words soothed something in her and she wiped her eyes, stepping next to Chev as they continued walking back toward the pleasure slave quarters.

Maigi was speaking to Blane when they arrived, and she stopped mid-sentence when she saw Jayde, her mouth hanging open. She walked swiftly over to her, and before long Aylah was at her side, looking warily between them.

"There are limits," she breathed, and for the first time Jayde felt her heart soften to the other woman, who did little to disguise the anger on her face. She reached to move the straps of her dress to inspect the bruises on her neck and collarbone, and then she took her hands more gently than Jayde ever thought her capable. The rope had rubbed her wrists to bleeding, and the palms of her hands bore matching slashes where she had dug her nails in. "Aylah, fetch some small bandages and come with me."

Jayde followed Maigi wordlessly to the showers and said nothing as the other woman undressed her.

"I will speak to him." Maigi's jaw was set firmly, but Jayde quickly shook her head.

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