Chapter Seven

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10 Years Ago

"We have to leave. Now."

Jayde looked up sharply from her meal to stare at Luc from across the table. He hadn't touched any of the soup she'd made. Luther looked between them before running a hand across his face.

"He's right."

She stood, jostling the table. "How can you ask that of me? My father is a prisoner here, I won't abandon him."

"Jayde." Luc reached to take her hand but she pulled away. "There isn't anything we can do for him. This is what he would want for you."

She was surprised at how quickly tears caught in her throat. They never talked about her father. Of course, there was nothing that she could do. But she couldn't leave him. "Auguirres never run away," she whispered softly. Luc's face hardened and he looked to Luther for support, but the older man only shook his head.

"Jayde, I agree with Luc. But I'm not going to force you to leave." He stared up at her like her father would have, and the realization made her even more determined to stay. "However, Luc and I must go. Already the punishment is harsh for trying to leave. If we stay any longer, escape may no longer be possible."

Jayde wanted to beg them not to go, to be the family that she so badly needed. But she knew they were right. Lately horrifying tales were spreading throughout Aésadel about soldiers taking boys in the night to join the military in Eszti D'or. No one ever heard from them again. Luc was sixteen now, just the right age to be taken. 

"She can't live here alone," Luc snapped at his father. "They'll kill her if she stays. As soon as any of the imperial soldiers find out a woman lives here alone they'll be on this house like the dogs they are."

"Luc, please." She folded her arms across her chest as Luc came to stand in front of her with anger flaring in his eyes. 

"Walk with me."

"Luc..." Jayde glared after him as he stormed through the front door and into the afternoon sunlight.

Luther shook his head and stood to clear the table. "It is your choice. But you will not benefit your father or Aésadel by staying."

She closed her eyes for a long moment and reigned in her anger and her tears. She hated to cry in front of them, or anyone. None of them had chosen this life, and she had no right to be weaker than the rest. "I don't think you're right." She smiled softly at him before turning to slip through the front door. Luc was nowhere in sight, but she knew how to follow him. The streets were quiet, as most villagers and soldiers were away for noon meal. Tracing the path in her memory to the edge of town, she wandered through the meadow grass on the hill just inside of the wall. At the edge of the thicket of trees, she spotted Luc sitting in the grass, staring angrily at a blade of grass held taut between his fingers.

"You know I can't leave."

Luc glanced at her and his eyes softened. "Yes you can, Jayde." He plucked a small flower and inspected it carefully. "Aésadel was your home before it was conquered. There are other towns in Shuntany that are mostly free, you wouldn't have to leave this kingdom. But this is a conquest city now, and the Empire takes joy in oppressing the people here."

"Aésadel is still my home."

"It's a different place. And it will never be the same."

"Stop," she snapped. "How can you say that? This is still the place that I grew up. My father is here, so it remains my home. If I leave..." she bit her lip to stifle her tears. "If I leave, I'll never see him again." Jayde began to stand but Luc grasped her arm firmly but gently and pulled her close to him.

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