Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Jayde rose from the cushions in the pleasure slave quarters to find that Aylah was still asleep, dozing in the afternoon sunlight that filtered in through one of the few windows in the main room. She smiled softly down at her and wondered if her dreams were of a time before her stay in the palace or if, like her, the Empire haunted her even in her sleep.

They had regained an uneasy peace over the next few days, and eventually when Aylah had realized that Luc had not sold them out, the feelings of mistrust gave way to calculating excitement. Not only did they have advanced warning of Aragon's departure, but they had assurance that there would be weapons waiting for them when he left. It was only a matter of letting her soldiers in the fields know where they could find their weapons, and when they could strike.

Jayde had lost nearly an entire night of sleep wondering what she would say to Chev when she saw him, or if she should even try to go to him now. Once Aragon left, there would be less risk in sending Blane to inform the soldiers in the field; even if the other guards grew suspicious of him, it would be too late for them to act. She didn't need Chev anymore, and though the fiercer, more determined part of her told herself to cut him free, she couldn't shake him from her thoughts. When the rebellion happened, Chev would have to choose which side to fight for, and she wanted to at least give him a chance to choose hers. He was changing – she could see so clearly the ways he was beginning to doubt his role here. It wouldn't mean anything if he was forced to once again fight for the Empire, or end up dead at the hands of her soldiers.

As she left to perform her tasks for the day, she wondered if Chev would even show up at their meeting place. She had missed their last rendezvous while Aragon had kept her for several days, and she walked with an anxious clench in her stomach down the halls to perform her tasks. Jayde was happy that Maigi trusted her enough now to go on her own; as much as she enjoyed Aylah's company, it was good to have a few moments to herself in a place where she was almost never alone. She still felt the lurch inside of her that told her run, but it wasn't as strong as it used to be, and she didn't entertain that thought like she used to. In a few short days, Aragon would be gone. They had decided to time their revolt midway through his trip, just as he was leaving the capitol; that way, it would be difficult to find him if news escaped Aésadel that a rebellion was occurring. By the time he returned to Aésadel, her soldiers would be ready for him, and he would have no time to summon reinforcement from the Emperor.

It was a good plan. At least, it would be good enough. There were too many things that could go wrong. Even if they succeeded, Jayde was terrified of what she would find when she left the palace. What if Luther had died in the time he'd been turned to the fields? Or what of Derik, or Kariyah? She hadn't really spoken to Chev in nearly two weeks; anything could have happened to her friends in that time. Jayde thought of the way he'd looked at her the last time he'd brought her to Luc. He had been desperate to talk to her – about what?

As she glimpsed the door where they planned to meet, Jayde took a breath and relaxed her shoulders. She passed the door once, then twice, until the hall was empty, before gently turning the handle and stepping inside. The room was dark and quiet, and Jayde's heart sank at the realization that he hadn't come. What if he'd given up on her entirely? It was a bitter thought, and she wondered briefly how his companionship had come to mean this much to her.

"Chev?" Jayde whispered his name into the still room, and though no response came, she felt the hair on her arms prickle at the sudden sensation that she wasn't alone. She didn't try to call out again, but walked quickly toward the door and reached for the handle. Just as she opened it enough to allow a sliver of light inside, a hand came from behind her and slammed it shut again.

Aragon's anger was palpable as he leaned close behind her, and Jayde pressed herself into the door. She couldn't turn to look at him, could only rest her forehead against the wood and wait for him to speak as blood rushed through her ears. He towered over her now, leaning close, caging her in.

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