Chapter Fourteen

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"It's taken care of," Aylah whispered in Jayde's ear as she sat down on a cushion near her with two plates of breakfast. Jayde glanced up quickly but looked away.

"Thank you."

"Are you sure about this?"

She smiled and nodded, but found that she didn't have much of an appetite in anticipation for training today. It was easier sometimes to find bravery in the moment rather than having to anticipate needing bravery beforehand.

Jayde had decided to confess to Aylah, doing her best to lean into the trust she felt for the other woman. She told her about Chev, weak with fear about how she would react. But Aylah only smiled, congratulated her on her quick thinking. She always processed any information so easily, never showing signs of surprise or anger, and for a moment Jayde wasn't sure if Aylah was displeased with what she had done. But then, the smile had spread, and Aylah told her she could get him alone again, if that was what Jayde wanted. She could only nod silently. It wasn't what she wanted, but it could present an opportunity. And in this place, one had to take whatever opportunity was presented.

When she walked through the doors to the training room that morning, Chev was standing, waiting for her, his arms crossed. He didn't try to speak to her, but motioned for her to stand in her usual place, and she began the ceremony of undressing. As practiced a trainer as Chev was, he was tense as she slipped the sleeves off of her shoulders and let the fabric of her dress pool around her legs. When she knelt before him, he took a step toward her and quietly led her through positions, seemingly unimpressed with her obedience.

"Your recitations," he murmured, letting her stand so that she could recite what she had learned to say boldly ever day, pledging her body and will to the empire. Silence fell across the room as her voice trailed off, and she met Chev's gaze as he stepped closer, slipping a hand onto her cheek. Jayde held her breath in anticipation, wondering if this would be enough to make him want her, to make him take her. As his hand dropped to her neck, he shoved her roughly into the wall, and Jayde realized it would take more than just an empty room.

His fingers tightened into her neck and his lips turned in a grimace as he glared at her, but Jayde fought to keep her face calm and passive. She just had to be patient, and the opportunity would show itself. But if she was too forward, she might only anger him farther and ruin her chance.

"I don't know what you've done," Chev growled, "But there's no one here but you and me." Jayde felt his erection pressing into her leg and she nearly smiled.

"What makes you think I had anything to do with it?" It wasn't her doing, truly; at Aylah's request, Blane had slipped something into John's drink the previous night so he was in bed with stomach cramps, and Blane had made himself scarce. Chev slapped Jayde without much conviction, and she thought she glimpsed the hint of a smile playing on his lips. He pressed up on her throat, tilting her chin up as he leaned closer to her.

"I know what you've been playing at, whore." His breath tickled her neck and she felt her stomach drop as his lips brushed her earlobe. "Staring up at me like you do, groping me right in front of the others." His teeth nipped at the sensitive skin beneath her ear before he leaned back to stare evenly at her. "I ought to punish you for being so blatant."

"Why don't you?" Jayde breathed, swaying her hips forward just enough to create friction against his erection before she sank back into the wall.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it? You're playing me for a fool."

"I don't have much power to play you with," she responded, "Sir."

"What is it you want then? I can't help you."

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