Chapter 5- Astraea

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"Sisters?" A small voice asks

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"Sisters?" A small voice asks.

My heart clenches in my chest as I glance down at small little Aaliyah. My new foster sister. It had been a week since the Lewis family took me into their home and the only people I hung out with were the two little girls that followed me around like curious puppies.

I shake my head, "Friends." I correct her softly, signing the word for Bianca who watches us interact quietly. She was deaf so I had been signing with her and teaching her new ways to communicate, she was real shy and communicating with her was non existent sometimes but I tried anyways because I knew how it felt to be different.

Aaliyah smiles, "Sisters!" She giggles, stumbling on her little feet to sit on my lap.

I chuckle adjusting her on my lap as Bianca moves to sit closer to me as well. We had been hiding out in the backyard for two hours now, trying to distract myself from my thoughts. It had worked so far but even I knew it would all come crashing down on me later.

A small tap on my leg pulls me away from my thoughts and I pull my attention back down to Bianca who looks hesitant, "What's up?" I sign.

It takes her a while to figure out how to sign the right words, "Can I draw?" She signs, gesturing down to my bare leg with a black sharpie in her hand.

I nod, stretching my leg out so that she can use it as her canvas. She immediately uncaps the marker before latching onto my leg as if it's going to disappear, I watch as she gently avoids the scars on my leg—drawing around them in fear of hurting me.

"Hey." Milan's voice echoes, startling the three of us as he sits across from me. "What are you girls up too?"

It's Aaliyah who answers her older brother, "None of your business." She scrunches her nose up at him and a small laugh leaves me at how cute she looks.

He rolls his eyes but his face softens at the sound of my laugh. Milan had been doing his very best to make me feel comfortable, he made sure I ate, offered me money, and made sure I always had a ride to go places. I had turned down each and every one of his offers because I didn't want it to be thrown in my face later on. He was nice but trusting people wasn't really my strong suit.

"Are you excited for school tomorrow?" He asks, watching Bianca draw on my leg.

I frown, "Not really." I admit. I still hadn't told anyone here about my dyslexia and I hadn't planned on it neither but I was kinda growing worried about it because it was something I struggled with a lot.
Loki use do all my homework for me because of it, maybe he'd still do it if I asked. I make a mental note to ask before focusing on Milan who tickles Aaliyah's feet but she barely flinches only smiling like he's an idiot.

"Someone came looking for you earlier." He murmurs, quietly.

My brows furrow, "Who?"

"Matias, I didn't know you two knew eachother." Milan says, frowning as I tense up, "He's the father of a friend of mine."

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