Chapter 22- Astraea

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My blood boils with fire during the car ride home, I feel every bone in my body shake with anger as I stare out the window and when the car pulls up in front of the house, my anger only builds so when Milan and I exit the car, Lucas follows us out...

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My blood boils with fire during the car ride home, I feel every bone in my body shake with anger as I stare out the window and when the car pulls up in front of the house, my anger only builds so when Milan and I exit the car, Lucas follows us out so it gives me opportunity.

I round the other side of the car and break Loki's other window and of course he expects it, "You know I can just fix it." He clicks his tongue, bored as ever.

I throw him a smile as I reach into my pocket, "I know but now you have to walk home." And then I jam my switch blade into his tire which finally causes him to lose his shit.

I watch as he jumps out the car, his eyes blazing with anger. Good. "What the fuck is your problem? I'm trying to look out for you." He snarls in my face. We've had worse arguments so this is nothing to me but it doesn't stop Lucas from shoving him away from me.

"That's enough." Lucas warns the both of us, "Go inside Astraea."

I don't listen, "Looking out for me? You don't even fucking believe me! You think i'm lying!" I shout, trying to move around Lucas but he doesn't let me. "Why do you think I'm lying?!"

"Because Kaila is fucking dead!" He shouts back, "You don't even know what's real or fake, you said it yourself." He tries, "Your on something and when I'm on drugs, you know what I do? I lie and I don't even mean to Astraea." He runs an angry hand through his hair, "If you go and see a doctor they can help you and you can tell them what really happened with a clearer head."

I see red and then I move to attack him, "Fuck you! I'm not going to see a doctor! I'm not crazy! I know what the fuck happened, I know Kaila is dead! I saw her body you asshole!" My throat clogs up at the memory.

"So how can she tell you what's going on with your mom?" He shoots back, "Your hearing things. Seeing things. It's not even the drugs Astraea, it's your fucking head. Your unstable and if you don't get help, your gonna spiral down a road I won't drive down." I shake my head in denial and his eyes soften, "I'm trying to help you. Everyone walks on eggshells around you because they don't want you to get upset but I'm your best friend, you're my sister and if I can help you get better I will."

My head starts to hurt, "I'm not crazy." Nobody answers me and my hands start to shake, "I'm not crazy!" They all flinch and I lose my shit, "I'm not!" I know what happened, I remember it all.

The door opens from behind us before I turn to Lucas, "You believe me right?" I practically cling onto him and he stares down at me like he can't recognize me before his eyes flicker over to his brother, "Lucas." I force him to look at me, "You believe me right?"

His eyes soften, "Of course I do." Relief engulfs me before it vanishes, "But maybe Loki is right, you'd feel a lot better if you talk to someone." He watches the way I distance myself from him, from everyone as he reaches out to touch me. "Astraea, it's okay."

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