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     The early morning rays shone brightly through the half-lidded window. Light sun shafts radiated brilliantly outside. Tiny rain droplets raced to slide down, nudging the tall grass weeds beneath. Inside the small wood cottage, Quackity fluttered his eyes open, then immediately shut them after. The man groaned in irritation and bother, seeing as mornings weren't his strong suit. He scrunched his face up and flipped his head sideways, away from the bright beams of light.

Quackity searched for his phone, grabbing hold of it and sliding it towards him. He unlocked it and skimmed through Twitter. Once he thought he had enough of his daily twitter time, he put the phone back on charge and crawled through the covers. He swung his legs over the bed and walked into the kitchen. Quackity looked around and spotted a little piece of cloth left on the table, presumably by his mother. He hunched over the table, observing the paper carefully.

"Dear Alex,

I'm sorry my visit had to end so early. I got an important call from work and had to head out immediately. I've left some money on the counter for you. Use wisely. I love you, and make sure to lock the doors at night.
                                                                                                           -Love, Mother"

'5 months? That's longer than all of her business trips combined.'
Quackity thought. Whenever his mother left, he always felt like she would never return. A very bad habit, but it can't be helped. He sighed, looking up and searching for the money. He spotted a few hundreds and twenties on the counter, grabbing them and taking them to his room.

Quackity stuffed the money into his wallet, then put that into his backpack along with his laptop, charger, airpods, and notebook. He pulled on his normal outfit and beanie, slipping the backpack on along with his shoes. Quackity settled on working on his psychology thesis at the cafe in the city next to his cottage, walking out the door with a content smile on his face.


     The ding of the doorbell and the familiar scent of honey, fresh bread, and pastries overwhelmed Quackity as he stepped into the cafe. The man looked around for a quiet spot to work, settling on a little two-person booth that pressed against the window. He brought out his laptop and plugged the charger into a nearby outlet, powering the computer on. Quackity put in his AirPods and opened his notebook, scrolling through Spotify and clicking on his favorite playlist. Just as he started typing, a tall, fluffy brown-haired waiter spotted Quackity. The waiter walked over to him with a small notebook and pen, smiling brightly.

"Hello, sir!" Quackity took out one airpod and looked up. "I'm Karl and I'll be your waiter for today! Would you like to order anything?"

"Oh! Uh..." Quackity looked around for a menu. He spotted a few pastries listed on the plastic board standing on his table. "I'll have a cinnamon bun and small iced coffee."

"Perfect!" The waiter exclaimed happily. Quackity took out his wallet, searching for a $10. "That'll be $7.50!"

Quackity took out a $10 and handed it to the waiter, smiling. The waiter thanked him, going behind the counter again. Quackity put his airpods back in, immersing into his work once again.

Around 10 minutes later, Karl came out again with the food. He placed it on the table along with Quackity's change. Quackity looked up and got a good stare at Karl. Fluffy brown hair that almost covers his eyes, a slightly oversized sweater with a collared shirt underneath, darkish blue jeans, and a bisexual pin that had his name on it pinned to the top left corner of his sweater. Karl was pretty tall, around 5'9-5'10 or so. Compared to Quackity, 5'6, he could tower over him.

'Pretty good looking.' Quackity murmured his thoughts out loud.

"Hm? What was that?" Karl asked, pretending not to hear.

"Oh! Did I say that out loud? I'm so sorry." The other panicked as he tried finding a response. 

 "Nah, it's fine. You aren't too bad-looking yourself." Karl laughed and then winked as he walked away to serve another customer.

     Quackity pulled the plate with the cinnamon bun towards him in embarrassment, still thinking about the interaction with the waiter. All thoughts soon faded as he took a bite of the bun, savoring the hot gooeyness inside.

     Before Quackity knew it, it was already 4 PM. He had been working in the cafe for over 6 hours, and it was about to close. The man gathered up his stuff and placed his plate on the 'dirty dishes' counter. He threw away the plastic coffee cup and swung his backpack over his shoulder as he exited the cafe.

a'n: ive decided to pick up the story again and make some minor grammar changes to each chapter to make it more smooth and satisfying to read!! when i finish i will start on the new chapters ;))

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