975 41 25

!!MAJOR TW: blxxd, pxnic attxcks, mentions of dexth!!

๑𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧๑

"Wha- no! W-what do you mean?" The boy sat up, narrowing his eyes.

The shadow loomed over him and blinked. The only thing illuminating the room was the figure's bright violet eyes.

"Goodbye." It said. Another figure appeared behind the first, this one now with beaming, orange slits.

"I don't understand."

"You never do."

"You're breaking up with me? But I don't even know who you are."

The orange figure started illuminating a citrus beam from its chest. Then suddenly, it burst. It shattered like delicate glass. The boy in the bed widened his eyes, but his vision was slowly covered by a dark hand laced with claws on each finger. The hand gripped the front of the boy's head, and then it shattered. The rest of the amethyst figure's shadow shattered as well.


Quackity awoke and burst up, ignoring all pain it caused his upper regions. Sweat-drenched and panting heavily, he gripped the sheets and felt them around.

"What the fuck..." He breathed out.

"What's wrong, darling?"

Quackity whipped his head to the side, seeing Karl sitting next to him. He made space on his bed and reached his arms out, signaling for Karl to come and lay with him. The other smiled and got up, sitting down on his boyfriend's bed. Quackity put his arms around Karl's waist, then laid his head on the taller's chest.

"Where's Sapnap?"

Karl sighed heavily and laid them both down, turning on his side and putting Quackity's head on his chest.

"Visiting his father."


"The doctors said you'll get discharged tomorrow," Quackity could hear Karl's smile.

"Really?" The smaller held onto Karl's shirt tighter but loosened his grip and turned away into a coughing fit.

     Karl frowned, contemplating whether to tell the staff or not. Quackity would have these coughing fits and they would last for at least 5 minutes each time. The longest it's gone was 10 minutes. After that one, he slept for literally the whole day. Not to mention the nightmares that were slowly starting to cloud and affect his smaller boyfriend. Karl was worried, and Sapnap was too.

     But Quackity wasn't entirely happy in the hospital. If you had to be forced here for 3 months in a bed straight and only being allowed to get up to use the restroom, you'd be unhappy too. That was the only reason Karl hadn't reported it to the hospital beforehand. Karl and Sapnap have fought about this for the past months, each ending in not telling the doctors.

Karl looked at Quackity when he heard the coughing subside, but jumped when the smaller suddenly fainted. He trailed his gaze down to Quackity's lap, seeing a small pool of blood there. The taller widened his eyes and practically leaped off of the bed, sprinting out into the hallway to get a doctor.

"Someone, my-my boyfriend! There's something wrong, please help!" Karl had his hands gripped on a random doctor's shoulders, frantically and lightly shaking her.

"Lead me to them."

They ran to Quackity's room and the doctor barged in, taking out supplies and checking Quackity. In the process, she called for backup and shooed Karl out. Karl felt as if he was about to have a panic attack, so he whipped out his phone and dialed for Sapnap.

The taller arrived in less than 10 minutes, now hugging and petting Karl's head.

"I knew we should have called the hospital sooner, Sapnap! What if something bad happens?" Karl cried into Sapnap's neck.

"I'm sorry for not listening to you, baby. I promise he'll be fine, he's our strong boyfriend remember?" Sapnap felt as if he was about to break too. This could well be his fault for trying to argue with Karl about it, wanting Quackity out of the hospital as soon as possible.

The pair spent the whole night at the hospital. Karl had fallen asleep soon after his breakdown, but Sapnap was awake and staring at the wall with a million thoughts in his head. 

"Excuse me." Sapnap jumped at the voice. He turned his head and saw the doctor Karl had called.

"Oh, hello. What happened?"

"You're Alex's other boyfriend, correct?"

"Yes, correct."

The doctor silently handed Sapnap a slip of paper, then left down the hall. It was hard to read in the dark, but the vending machine illuminated some of the words.

Those few words made Sapnap's heart shatter right then and there. It was a payment method for the treatment of lung cancer.


little a/n; hi uh some angst for you ahahahahahahahaha uh join my discord server pls link in bio

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