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     The sweet sound of light birdsong filled the air outside, almost getting drowned out by the violent whistling and rustling of the trees. Out of the three men inside the house, one was awake and could hear everything. He had actually been awake for a while now, but feeling someone sleeping on top of him stopped him from getting up. He had failed to fall asleep and was silently raging because of the placement of his phone. 

It was thanks to his loud stomach growling that Karl woke up. The boy shifted off of Quackity, allowing him to move. Instantly, Quackity swung his feet over the couchside and walked out, taking his phone beforehand. He'd been staying at Karl's house for about a 3 days now and was just about familiar with everything. Quackity agreed on making a hot chocolate, for now, seeing as he wasn't hungry. The man figured he would go home with Tiger today, not wanting to bother Karl anymore. 

"Quacky...?" Quackity turned around and locked eyes on Karl, who was slumping over to the kitchen island and rubbing his eyes. "Wha're you drinkin'?"

"Hot chocolate. I was planning on going to the pet shop to get stuff for Tiger. Wanna come with?"

"Yeah, I'll wake up Sapnap." Karl smiled through the tiredness, trudging to wake the sleeping man.


30 minutes later, all three were walking into the store. Tiger was put into a small basket held by Karl. Each with a list of things to do, they separated and got to searching. Quackity had gone to get cat food, Karl went to drop Tiger off at pet daycare, and Sapnap had got distracted by the fish.

"Qua-Quackity?!" The shorter male jumped at the sound of his name, but what really sent him over the edge was the voice.

He started shivering uncontrollably, refusing to look behind.

"Quackity, darling!" He heard it again. Without a second thought, he bolted down the aisle to find Karl or Sapnap, hearing footsteps synching right behind his.

'Don't think. Run.' His mind told him. Sprinting down the aquarium department, Quackity suddenly collided with something. He stumbled backward, backing right into another figure. Quackity stared straightforward, seeing Sapnap's expression alter from warm to enraged just as the shorter felt two hands place on his shoulder and waist. 

𝙌𝙪𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙩𝙮 -ˋˏ✄┈ 𝙎𝙖𝙥𝙣𝙖𝙥 𝙋.𝙊.𝙑.

I stood rooted there, mesmerized by the colorful swarms of fish. They circled each other, creating flurries of different hues. Sapnap was snapped out of his trance when a small person suddenly bumped into him. He looked down and spotted Quackity, smiling before leaning out to try and catch him. He retracted his hands when he noticed another man whom Quackity stumbled into when falling backward. He stared as the taller man snaked his hands around Quackity. Eyes narrowed in an irritated expression, Sapnap suddenly lunged for the smaller's hand, yanking him into his chest. Securing his arms around Quackity's back and head, Sapnap had the chance to study the man. Long ram horns, menacing expression, red eyes that bore right into your soul, business suit, long pants, and clacky shoes.

"Don't touch him," Sapnap muttered coldly so only Quackity and the man could hear.

"He's my fiance! Why wouldn't I be able to touch him?" The ram laughed darkly with a cocked eyebrow.

Sapnap froze at the sentence, loosening his grip on Quackity.

"I hate him." The smaller whispered, forehead pressed against Sapnap's neck. Sapnap's ear twitched at that, shaking his head quickly and grabbing Quackity's hand. He lead him away from the man, going to find Karl. Twisting around aisles, Sapnap found Karl happily playing with Tiger and the other kitties.

"Karl!" Sapnap called out. "Karl! C'mon, we're leaving!"

Karl looked up, tilting his head in confusion when seeing we didn't have any supplies.

"Now? Where are all you guys' stuff?" He asked, standing up from his crouching position.

"Little incident. We gotta leave, now."

"Alright. Let me get Tiger." Karl bent down, scooping Tiger up and slipping him into the basket. Walking over, he got a good look at Quackity's expression. Karl looked up at Sapnap in a 'What happened?' expression. Sapnap just pursed his lips and tilted his head to Quackity. They left quickly, Sapnap looking around for the ram in case. 

The three boys piled into the car, sitting in thin silence.

"...Schlatt." Quackity muttered.

"What?" Sapnap stared at Quackity.

"The ram. His name is Jschlatt. Schlatt for short."

"Why did he say you were his fiance?"

"Abusive. Never said yes, never said no. I just ran," Quackity muttered quickly. "Do you guys want to get food?"

"Why didn't you say no?"

"No reason."

"Does he think you're his property or some shit?" Sapnap narrowed his eyes.

"Sapnap..." Karl muttered from the backseat, attempting to shut his anger down before something happened.

"Shut up, Karl. Why didn't you say no, Alex?" Sapnap pressed.

"Don't talk to Karl like that. Why do you need to know?" Quackity snapped back. "It's none of your fucking business."

"I was trying to help."

"I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" Quackity shouted, pushing the door open forcefully and slamming it, walking away.

"Fine." Sapnap also opened the door, leaving it open and going to walk home.

Karl sat there, stressed and about to cry. This was a small resolve, and it turned into a potential downfall. He didn't know what to do, or who to go to. As nightfall neared, Karl looked to Tiger who had fallen asleep in the basket. He stepped out of the car, shutting both Sapnap's door and his softly. He slid down the side of the car and sat in a criss-cross position, waiting for the stars to come out and tell him which way to go.


little a/n; omg longest chapter and angst??? :O also thank you for almost 900 reads ahahaha :lipbite: it makes me very happy when you guys comment or vote so pls dont be a silent reader :pray: also give me criticism!! i will appreciate you guys pointing out any spelling or grammar mistakes ahaha

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